Rob Schneider, it seems to me, doesn’t get nearly enough credit. His movies — like the comedy projects of close friend Adam Sandler — are never going to make a splash at the Oscars; but the guy is a talented character actor. Look no further than his character in Adam’s 50 First Dates.
Rob’s also got it where it counts in the common sense department politically — please see my previous coverage of a great interview here.
The SNL alum took to Twitter this past weekend to fight the powers that be, citing an “Orwellian nightmare of censorship.”
Rob was commenting on the recently ridiculous Poynter list of “unreliable” news sites — RedState was among those dismissed (though we only received a goofy “Clickbait” label, as opposed to the perhaps worse “Bias” award).
The list was a pitiful exercise in media partisanship; after much castigation online, it was retracted.
Here’s Rob in response:
We are in a real world Orwellian nightmare of censorship. Be careful who you label and smear today. You will be the smeared tomorrow! https://t.co/3LNe7pkF1d
— Rob Schneider (@RobSchneider) May 4, 2019
Thanks for standing up for RedState, Rob!
He was also quick to reiterate the breathtaking turn of the tide within the Democratic Party:
Just bizarre. Progressive Democrats, who once stood for Civil Rights, Liberty,Free Speech now stand for censorship & removing parent rights
— Rob Schneider (@RobSchneider) May 4, 2019
Check out Deuce Bigalow’s reaction — as per The Daily Wire — to Facebook’s banning of “several far-right figures from the platform, such as Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos. The ban also included one far-left figure, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan”…
In his tweet, Rob cited a truth that seems to be scarily escaping much of the millennial generation:
Free Speech is ALL SPEECH!
The UK and Australia don’t have protected speech. And we are not protecting our 1st Amendment.#EternalVigilance https://t.co/BlkWuN52PA— Rob Schneider (@RobSchneider) May 5, 2019
As America’s greatest linguist Noam Chomsky says,”Free Speech is ALL SPEECH. You’re either for ALL of it or NONE of it.”(Emphisis 4 dummies) pic.twitter.com/EvPd1wBbED
— Rob Schneider (@RobSchneider) May 5, 2019
D*mn right!
The comedian left the Democratic Party years ago, which he’s discussed in the past. He’s also commented on the meanness — and, subsequently, hard-to-watch tone — of SNL’s treatment of Trump, compared to more good-natured days gone by (about which I wrote here and here).
Rob Schneider is a comedic talent and, for my money, enjoyable onscreen. The fact that he has a good head on his shoulders where it concerns American liberty and keeping the meanness of politics out of entertainment just makes it all the better.
What are some of your favorite Rob moments in the movies? He was great in 50 First Dates and Click, and I enjoyed The Hot Chick. His appearance in Grandma’s Boy is hilarious, and — though I never hear it referenced — I find The Animal very funny. I look forward to hearing from you.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
AOC Dared To Use San Diego’s Synagogue Shooting To Push Her Politics. Twitter Dropped The Hammer
Virginia School Districts Claim ‘Thousands’ Of The State’s Pupils Are Transgende
Find all my RedState work here.
And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.
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