On Kavanaugh: Fox's Allie Stuckey Refuses to Categorically 'Believe All Women,' Gets Booed in Texas



On Saturday, as Fox News and The Blaze contributor Allie Beth Stuckey was speaking at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin, she tossed out what should’ve been a universally-agreed-upon idea: not all women should be unconditionally believed.


The result? Boos from the audience.

Stuckey lamented:

“I’m devastated to see a man’s life almost in ruins based on uncorroborated and unsubstantiated allegations. I am devastated by the thought of a world in which people are guilty until proven innocent and the burden of proof is on the accused.”

That’s the old way, Allie. As I indicated here, that went out of style with neon windbreakers and critical thought.

To the consternation of congressional Democrats, Allie then went full-bore insane — she championed the concept of evidence:

“I listened to both of their testimonies, and while I think both are believable, I think only Kavanaugh is credible. He’s the only one that has any substantiation for anything that he said, the only one with any corroboration, the only one who has gone through six FBI background checks, the only one that has any evidence for anything that he’s saying and witnesses to back up what he’s saying.”

Then the CRTV host dared speak against sexism:

“He’s the only one that has that, and yet we’re supposed to unconditionally believe the woman? Why? Because of her anatomy?”

That got ’em!

Boos filled the room, like hypocrisy filling a tank fueling a bus of p***y-hatted Bill Clinton supporters, on their way to protest Kavanaugh’s confirmation.


Stuckey…well…stuck…to her guns:

“I think that’s unjust, I think it’s discriminatory, and I don’t believe it.”

Allie posted to Twitter about the ordeal:

“So….I was just booed at #TribFest for supporting Kavanaugh, and, specifically, for saying unconditionally believing all women is unjust. Stand by it tho.”

Marvel with me, if you will, such a wonderfully exotic moment of irony (and dumbness):

A crowd booed a woman, because of what she said, because they didn’t believe her. With their boos, they insisted that all women must be believed.

As Mitch Hedberg said, “I’m against picketing, but I don’t know how to show it.”

The Left don’t seem to care about making sense. They only care about rhetoric. If they truly think they must believe all women, then they must believe Allie. And shut up.

These are their rules.

And we’re destined for confusion–

If a woman said Christine Blasey Ford was a liar, would that negate her claims of tomfoolery against Kavanaugh? That woman must be believed.

What if Deborah Ramirez accused Ford of assaulting her? What about sexual assault cases among lesbians? You must believe both, according to the Left.


What if two women sue one another? What if the judge is a woman? What if a male judge finds a female criminal defendant — who proclaims her innocence — guilty?

What if a woman told Alyssa Milano she was an idiot?

A woman did — RedState’s Jennifer Van Laar. Alyssa insists we must believe women. Therefore, she’s obligated to stop trying to save the world with the IQ of an imbecile. If women must be believed.

Have any more examples? I’d love to hear them. Let’s work through this, in the Comments section below. If you’re a woman, whatever your comment is, you’re right.


Thank you for reading!

For something completely different, please check out my articles onΒ the media’s ache for impeachment, Hank Linderman’s borderless paradise, and my personal fear of a strawless world.

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