Reuters Writer Immediately Blames Trump for Annapolis Shooting; Plus: Who's Ramping Up to Violence?

FILE - In this Aug. 12, 2017 file photo, white nationalist demonstrators, right, clash with a counter demonstrator as he throws a newspaper box at the entrance to Lee Park in Charlottesville, Va. The deadly white nationalist demonstration in Virginia has brought new attention to an anti-fascist movement whose black-clad, bandana-wearing members have been a regular presence at protests around the country in the last year. Members of the antifa movement were among those protesting the Charlottesville rally last weekend. (AP Photo/Steve Helber, File)



When you’re a Reuters reporter, you have a few options. For example, you can report the news in an objective fashion. You may also, if you should choose, respond to a tragedy by immediately and ignorantly ditching all notions of journalistic integrity — or even reason — and just emoting all over yourself with completely unfounded, partisan asininity.


Rob Cox, Global Editor for Reuters Breakingviews, hankered for option #2 Thursday, as he tweeted this gem in reaction to the terrible Annapolis, Maryland shooting at Capital Gazette, which has — at present time — resulted in five deaths:

This is what happens when @realDonaldTrump calls journalists the enemy of the people. Blood is on your hands, Mr. President. Save your thoughts and prayers for your empty soul.

At least four people killed in Maryland newspaper shooting: reports

— Rob Cox (@rob1cox) June 28, 2018

And that, folks, is a journalist. Oh, wait — an editor. You know — the person who makes sure everything is suitable for print.

Cox has since deleted the posting, in favor of this:

Chances are, “migrants” = illegal immigrants, not ducks (see here). I had to get out my Media to English Dictionary for that one.

More recently, Cox expounded upon the incident in a four-parter:


Unfortunately, I believe Cox’s reflex is indicative of the majority view from within the media. And if that is so, do they really have a shot at covering the news fairly? The ringing of Cox’s tweet is the sound of deeply rooted bias which, while apparently emanating from his core, surely is never far from the surface.

Personally, I don’t want to get my dry news from someone who believes one side of the aisle is bloodthirsty and its leader has an empty soul.

But that’s where we’re all getting it. In one way or another. What does the fact that Cox felt emboldened to post that tweet say about the rest of the media? Clearly, he thought such a thing would go completely unscrutinized. He believed his actions would be viewed as acceptable, even in light of his job.


And this is why Trump will never get a fair shake. Nor will you. Because you are him, so far as the press is concerned. You’re probably dressed in your web-ordered SS uniform right now (see the evidence in my article here). Which would not only make you sinister; it would make you dumb, since Nazis are socialists, and this is a conservative American website. There you are, plotting egregious offenses and without enough sense to understand the difference between political ideologies.

In light of the bias of the time, however, I especially appreciate Cox’s further action: he apologized. He tipped his hat to principles of responsibility and civility. Those things are grossly missing as of late, as I covered here and here. Please read, if you haven’t already.

These are disconcerting times, when violence does truly seem around the corner. But it isn’t looming from the Right, as Cox suggests. It appears to be impending from the Left, as those on the fringe of #Resist call for physical action, and even rape and murder, against their political foes (look no further than here and here).

Let’s hope the rhetoric subsides and peace can be had, in the form of respectful debate. The freedom of speech, in part, is virtuous as the alternative to violence. Yet, violently, the Left is trying to kill that, too.



What do you think about the future of political debate, and what appears to be escalation on the part of the Left? Also, which stands out to you more — the irresponsibility of Cox’s initial response, or the integrity of his apology? Please let me know in the Comments section below.

For more about freedom of speech, read my articles on Crossfit, political correctness, and Millennials (I capitalize it because I don’t want to hurt their feelings).

Find all my RedState work here.

And follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.





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