As Trump's Convention Pleads Unity, He's on Fox News Trashing Republicans

Donald Trump’s convention is underway in Ohio, and boy is his stamp on it. Not just because of the chosen speakers (like Scott Baio) or his chosen topics (“Victims of Illegal Immigration, eg.), but by because it is saying one thing to one camera while he says something different to another.


Rep. Michael McCaul was on stage and said “”It’s time to unify as a party” at the exact moment I saw this Tweet:

They didn’t happen simultaneously, but the message was one pushed by almost every speaker. But while Trump’s speakers talked about “unity,” here is what Donald said on The O’Reilly Factor in a call-in interview:

“Look. I beat him very badly. I won 38 states. I won the highest number of votes in the history of the Republican party. Uh, second was very very far away. I beat him very, very soundly. And you have to understand, this was a contentious, some people say the most contentious primary they’ve ever seen either party. If I were him and got beaten that badly I probably wouldn’t show up either. He has a problem though, he signed a pledge. And from the standpoint of honor, I think he should show up.”

Well isn’t that sweet. And the Trump campaign smacked Gov. Kasich earlier today, too.

You know, to bring about unity.


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