YUGE: New Wisconsin Poll Shows Cruz Is Slaughtering Trump Ahead of Primary

Fox Business Network released a new Wisconsin poll on Thursday evening showing that Ted Cruz has a huge lead over Donald Trump in the state.


Cruz garners 42 percent among Wisconsin likely GOP primary voters, while Trump receives 32 percent. John Kasich comes in third with 19 percent.

Among just those who say they will “definitely” vote, Cruz’s lead over Trump widens to 46-33 percent, and Kasich gets 16 percent.


Wow. But there’s more. Among women, Trump trails Cruz 27% to a whopping 46%. Not for nothing, but if you took Kasich out and split his numbers among women evenly between Cruz and Trump, Cruz would have the actual majority. As in, over 50%.

And here’s a real eye-opener. Among “Very Conservative” voters, Trump is absolutely being destroyed. Cruz has 61 percent and Trump pulls a pathetic 25 percent.

But the most important statistic is that Cruz is leading Trump among evangelicals. So far, evangelicals have been a real problem for Cruz, going for Trump even in the last national poll. This is likely due to the smears the Trump campaign heaps upon Cruz falsely characterizing him as a liar, which go largely unchallenged by the press and get repeated by hold-out supporters of candidates no longer in the race.

Cruz is also beating Trump in highly educated voters as well as the group Trump claims to prize, the “poorly educated.” (His words.)

In short, polling shows that Trump just isn’t winning a thing next week in Wisconsin.


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