Friday news is always the stuff they hope you’ll miss. And the case of the State Department, today’s is particularly “look away” in scope. It seems thousands of Hillary Clinton emails will not be released from State until AFTER the New Hampshire primary.
How … conveniently inconvenient.
The Hill has the scoop:
In a court filing late on Thursday evening, the department insisted that it “regrets” its inability to publish the final 7,000 pages on Friday, as a federal court ordered it to do last year.
Yet it defended the delay, blaming an internal oversight and the snowstorm that crippled Washington in the past week.
As part of the process of making the emails public, the State Department is required to have other agencies review Clinton’s emails to check if any information should be redacted or marked as classified.According to the department, it simply “missed” sending roughly 7,000 pages of emails to other agencies and did not notice the oversight until earlier this month. Its efforts to correct the problem were further delayed by the snowstorm, which closed the federal government through Wednesday.
Yes, the snow, that’s the ticket. Also some bridge was closed probably. And maybe their car had some engine trouble?
Not only would this mean the release was after 4 states have voted, but also after the final primary debate for the Democrats, if indeed they schedule any more. So once again, no accountability for Clinton.
What is in them? Back to The Hill:
Critics have warned that the final tranche of emails could contain scandalous or scintillating nuggets about Clinton’s time in the State Department. Administration lawyers this week attempted to dismiss those allegations.
I guess it depends on what your definition of “is criminal” is.
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