'Ferguson: The Play': Stage Reenactment Based On Grand Jury Testimony Asks Audience To Decide


Phelim McAleer, who along with Ann Mcelhinney brought us “Not Evil, Just Wrong” and “FrackNation” is the man behind a new and daring production to hit the stage. “Ferguson: The Play” will be a live, stage reenactment of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, based on actual grand jury testimony and the facts of the case. This means there won’t be any “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” moment. And the extra twist? The audience gets to vote on Darren Wilson’s case, just as the grand jury did.


It’s a truly interactive, innovative way to bring daylight to the events that took place from the time of the shooting, up to the acquittal.

In a press release, McAaleer said:

“I want to bring the truth about what happened that day to the stage. I think audience members will be very surprised, even shocked, when they hear the clear and unaltered truth about the events that took place on Aug. 9, 2014. There are a lot of myths and half-truths circulating about the shooting. FERGUSON is a chance to dispel these once and for all.”

Surprised is probably a major understatement. As we have outlined here at RedState, the one thing the public has yet to see is a full, unadulterated, honest accounting of exactly what happened. Minus the pandering. Minus the media hype. And minus the myths.

Here is McAleer talking about the play in his own words:

McAleer says the “theatrical establishment” would find the subject matter to hot to handle, which comes as no surprise to RedState readers who are accustomed to a cowardly media establishment that caves to pressure groups and panders to special interests. For that reason, the production is being funded through crowdsourcing, via IndieGoGo. The contribution page is at FergusonThePlay.com.


This type of crowdfunding is absolutely essential to productions that challenge media assumptions. After all, the media establishment is the reason the myth of “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” exists in the first place. Remember?

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