Daily Links - February 27, 2012

Today is February 27th. On this date in 1933, the Reichstag was set ablaze in Berlin, a pivotal propaganda moment in the establishment of Nazi Germany. Also on this date in 1997, divorce became legal in Ireland. Yes, 1997. Lastly, on this date in 1998, the British House of Lords gave the British monarchy’s daughters the same right as its sons to claim the British throne, upsetting over 1,000 years of traditional male preference, and boring people the world over. Oh, and happy National Kahlua Day! Consider this an Open Thread.


A Letter to the Obama Campaign | Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC
“If the President’s campaign has some principled disagreement with the arguments we are making publicly about the staggering debt the President and previous administrations have imposed on the country, the regulations that are stifling business growth and innovation, the increasing intrusion of government into nearly every aspect of American life, we would be eager to hear them.”

The odious ‘Israel first’ libel | Alan Dershowitz
“It’s the kind of virulent hate speech you’d expect to find on a neo-Nazi website or in a Patrick Buchanan column: American Jews who support current Israeli policies are accused of dual loyalty and called ‘Israel firsters.’”

Planned Parenthood Sells Condoms With GPS Showing Sex Location | LifeNews.com
“Planned Parenthood, the nation’s biggest abortion business, makes no bones about crossing the line in an attempt to generate publicity and attention and it is at it again with condoms that allow wearers to advertise where they had sex.”


Friends of Scott Walker Campaign Files Documents with GAB | Scott Walker Campaign
“The Friends of Scott Walker campaign today has filed legal documents with the Government Accountability Board relating to its deadline to challenge recall petition signatures.”

Today’s Word of the Day comes via Luciferous Logolepsy.
tormentum: noun (pl. -ta) ancient catapult-like war machine.


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