The video above, by Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer, shows the hypocrisy of the “carbon-intensive” lifestyle of green proselytizer James Cameron. Cameron recently dropped a million dollars into the Prop 23 fight. As Ann points out at BigGovernment, Cameron isn’t the only Prop 23 opposition financier living large.
It is typical of the hypocrisy of the “awareness” pimps on the left to ask of average Americans what they have no interest in doing themselves. We all know the green jet set won’t be surrendering their Humvee firetrucks (what the hell even is that?) any time soon. The most fundamental tenet of the church of environmentalism – and make no mistake, it’s a profitable church – is “ask not what you can do, but rather ask what you can ask others to do.”
We already knew James Cameron was a blow-hard coward. The video shows he’s also a hypocrite. So the next time Cameron tells you you’re going to have to live with less, just tell him you’ve opted to abstain from helicopters and yachts. It’s more than he’s done.
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