GA-4: Campaigns are hard!

Update: The facebook page linked isn’t her campaign manager. My bad. It’s another guy who spreads his lies and anti-gay agenda for free.

As of late, Liz Carter’s primary opponents have worked harder to smear her than they have worked collectively throughout the course of the entire campaign. Maybe they realized she was actually a threat and that a Republican might actually take this district? Who knows. Some of the insanity is as follows:

  • Liz Carter supports pornography for children
  • She was almost kept out of a GA-4 bipartisan debate… because they deemed it an “all black” forum. Read her opponent Cory Ruth’s response to this.
  • That she is going to going to vote yes on ENDA, which she opposes.
  • That she has paid for all of her endorsements, when she has not paid for one.
  • That she is pro-2nd amendament only for the purposes of the campaign, even though she has publicly stated that she has been shooting since she was 10 years, is a member of the NRA, and has carried on and off since she was 18. And she’s been endorsed by Georgia Gun Owner Magazine.
  • That she is pro-choice.
Just check out her opponent’s campaign manager’s Facebook page. It’s fun.
Now we have some interesting information that has come out regarding her opponents and their inability to comply with FEC regulations.

It just so happens that we have an object lesson in the Georgia 4th Congressional District Republican primary.  Candidate Liz Carter has the unique distinction of being the only primary candidate who disclosed and fully accounted for every contribution and expenditure—which, if you think about it, everyone should be doing, because that’s the whole point of campaign finance disclosures in the first place.

How untransparent and obfuscating is her competition?  One candidate hasn’t even turned in his “homework” yet, and the primary is tomorrow!  Whoops!

The upshot is this: if you want accountability from your Congress, and you live in Georgia’s 4th Congressional District, vote for Liz Carter.  Do your homework, and then vote for Liz Carter because she does hers right.


Liz is inviting you to check it out for yourself. I’d encourage you to do the same. And then go vote for Liz if you’re in her district – we need women like her in Washington.


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