Leader of Georgia ACLU Resigns After Transgender Bathroom Encounter

The last thing I would ever wish on any child would be to have their sense of safety and well-being shaken, for any reason.

That being said, you have to wonder why left wing progressives, the Obama administration, the gay mafia, and the American Civil Liberties Union are seemingly tone deaf to the concerns of a majority of American parents, when it comes to the transgender bathroom issue. If it were their children in that position, would it change any minds?


The facts are, transgendered individuals make up such a small percentage of our population – less than 1% – that most people could go the majority of their days and never encounter one. The real question with the bathroom debate should focus on how making bathrooms gender neutral would allow easier access for predators to interact with their prey in closed-in, private spaces.

Recently, the leader of the Georgia chapter of the ACLU, Maya Dillard Smith, was confronted with the very situation she and her liberal colleagues wish to force on the rest of the nation.

From a story in the Blaze:

“’I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school-age daughters into a women’s restroom when, shortly after, three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices entered,’ Smith told Life Site News.

Dillard Smith, 37, said her young children were ‘frightened’ by the ordeal and ‘concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer.’”

Wait. You mean she didn’t immediately accuse her young daughters of being bigots and send them off to sensitivity training?

Actually, her reaction was more certain. And sane.

She resigned.

“The former ACLU executive, who described herself as ‘progressive’ and ‘unapologetically black,’ suggested the organization leaves no room for discussion about the difficulties that come with making accommodations for the transgender community.

‘I found myself principally and philosophically unaligned with the organization,’ Dillard Smith said.”


Yes. That happens when your daft policies begin to affect your own family.

Dillard Smith went further, however.

She has created a website called Finding Middle Ground, aimed at creating a place where people can ask questions or express concerns openly, without fear of being labeled “homophobic,” or other such nonsense.

A video on the site features a little girl asking questions about how to know about transgenders if you’re not allowed to ask, and suggesting that she doesn’t want them to feel uncomfortable, but she wants to feel comfortable, too.


All it took was the honest reactions of her own children. Maybe Obama’s daughters should have some real-world exposure.



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