We’ve covered the enduring saga of the Clinton Foundation, a RICO violation masquerading as a philanthropic endeavor, on RedState for months. New revelations, though, show we underestimated the extent to which Hillary Clinton used her office as secretary of state as means of extracting cash from people with business before that department. Wikileaks emails showed that the State Department was being run as a pay-to-play scam where you had to donate to the Clinton Foundation in order to be heard by the Secretary of State. My colleague, Dan Spencer, reports on a major Associated Press story that exposes the scope of the grifting of Hillary Clinton and her kleptocratic cronies:
At least 85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or pledged commitments to its international programs, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far to The Associated Press. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million. At least 40 donated more than $100,000 each, and 20 gave more than $1 million.
So why, you might ask, did this AP story emerge now? Why are Clinton’s deleted emails scheduled to start trickling out of State in October? The short answer is because Hillary Clinton is a scofflaw and a horrible person:
In April, the State Department explained the fact that Clinton ignored 237 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by saying that she was sitting Secretary of State at the time the requests were filed.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, Clinton received 240 FOIA requests from 2009 to 2013 but only responded to three of them within the legally required timeframe. Among the organizations that filed unanswered requests were the AP, Gawker, Judicial Watch, Citizens United, and Vice News. Some of these groups subsequently sued the State Department for failing to respond to their requests for information from Clinton’s records.
The State Department attempted to justify its delays by claiming that the number and complexity of records requests continued to increase until it was impossible to process them. Of course, the effect of the slow processing was to make it impossible for the A.P. to do the report that rocked the political world this afternoon.
What the AP requested was pretty simple. They wanted access to Hillary Clinton’s appointment book which, by law, is a public record. There were only two reasons for Clinton to sandbag the information request. First, she knew that her own appointment schedule would reveal the degree to which she sold access to big donors. Second, she’s a paranoid old hag with an unlimited sense of privilege and entitlement with a pathological contempt for the rule of law. To Hillary Clinton, rules are something you use to send your enemies to jail. They don’t apply to her.
The sad thing that in any other election year, the bombshell that AP delivered would have had the FBI crawling up that candidate’s rectum within minutes and their campaign would have resembled the Hindenburg. But this isn’t any other year. This year the GOP has put up a candidate who is no less dishonest, no less entitled, no less petty, and no less paranoid than Hillary Clinton. But, unlike Hillary Clinton, our cretin doesn’t have the good common sense to shut up and stay out of sight. Nope. Our candidate has to pander to racists and cozy up to Vladimir Putin and continually draw attention to his manifest failings and incompetence. And he’s nuts.
We are in the final days of the republic. No matter who wins in November, we will have completed our slide from a democratic republic to a kakistocracy, i.e. government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens. (Though this has a Greek root word, kakós, it could equally appropriately come from caca and mean exactly the same thing.) There are probably not two worse people in the entire nation and we, somehow, have nomintated them for president and are now watching them race to the bottom of the Marianas Trench of humanity.
Hillary Clinton as president will mean that she will get away with every thing she got away with as secretary of state plus the crap she tried to get away with as First Heifer.
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