While showing she can relate to the day to day life of the average black American, Hillary Clinton’s suppressed health issues became visible once again.
From the Free Beacon story linked above:
When host Angela Yee asked Clinton whether her gender would be an issue in dealings with foreign governments, however, the former secretary of state could not contain her urge any longer.
“Well, I don’t think so. There is a lot of oppression against women that we have to address,” Clinton said and coughed.
“Excuse me, sorry,” she said and blamed her cough on allergies.
“Allergy season,” Clinton said and reached for her water cup. “How do you guys do it?”
Her cough was such that host DJ Envy offered Clinton CPR.
“Do you need mouth-to-mouth, CPR? Are you alright?” he said.
Host Charlamagne tha God said Clinton’s cough sounded like she had been smoking medical marijuana.
“Senator, you’re coughing like you got some medicinal,” he said.
Clinton laughed and lamented that she didn’t have any.
“Yeah, I need some,” Clinton said and laughed into her water cup. “Excuse me.”
She carried on with the interview despite her hoarse voice.
“My voice is failing here,” Clinton said between gasps.
Clinton, like Donald Trump, has been very cagey about her medical history. I noted a while back that all evidence indicated that she has chronic health problems that are only barely being held in check.
Hillary never participated in athletics when she was younger, something about being too ugly to participate. And now, as she approaches the BIG SEVEN-ZERO she is very out of shape. It is a safe bet that her BMI is over 30 — I base that not on having access to her weight but on the dimensions of her posterior and the girth of her ankles — which makes her obese; best casing it, she is at the upper bounds of overweight. With age and obesity comes Type II diabetes and hypertension. Together you have increased risk for heart disease and stroke. Lack of exercise and physical condition has also been documented to impair mental function.
We know that Hillary Clinton has suffered from fainting spells since at least 20o5. In that year she passed out, presumably sober, while giving a speech. In 2012, she passed out yet again and suffered a concussion. Radar Online has reported that sources close to Hillary Clinton say she has suffered minor strokes and may have multiple sclerosis. The book on Hillary by Ed Klein says that she suffers from depression and migraines.
She has also gained about thirty pounds during the course of the campaign and is suffering from mange
Hillary Clinton has had at least six of these public coughing fits since the campaign started. Most of them did not take place during “allergy season.” And there is never any sneezing that accompanies the cough which is a good indicator the problem is not allergies. And if allergies were actually an issue, she’d take a megadose of benadryl or other antihistamine before these public appearances. All this signs says this is a symptom of a much deeper health problem that she is trying to disguise. (My best guess is that the cough is a side-effect of industrial strength ACE inhibitors she takes to manage the raging hypertension that caused here “minor” strokes.)
Hillary Clinton is an old, sick woman and even the minor stresses of a non-competitive primary are wearing her down. If she does win the primary, the general campaign will exhaust her and the odds of her being able to cope with the demands of the presidency approach zero.
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