Democrat Privilege: DC Police Accidentally Confirm Two-Tier Justice in Full Effect After Pro-Hamas Chaos

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

As RedState previously reported, chaos ensued outside of the Biden White House Saturday as pro-Hamas agitators, upset over the dramatic rescue of four Israeli hostages being held by Hamas terrorists, took to the streets to voice their hate and discontent.


At issue in part were reports that seemed to confirm American intelligence agencies played a key role in helping to track down the location of the hostages, who had been in captivity since the Oct. 7th terrorist attacks.

As we also documented, even while being pelted with objects, one National Park Service Ranger stood tall in an effort to try and prevent further damage to a monument the mobs had defaced with "free Gaza" propaganda.

READ MORE: White House Protester Wields Bloody Mask of Biden, Park Ranger Stands Up to Activists As They Assault Him

Videos that circulated on social media from the protests showed skirmishes with police, smoke bombs being set off, and monuments being vandalized.  

At one point, according to journalist Julio Rosas - who was on the scene, "protesters formed a mob and chased US Park Police and Secret Service out of Lafayette Square after officers apparently tried to arrest someone."  

As a result, police were "no longer inside the park and" were "on the boundaries of the protest," according to Rosas.

With all of that going on, you'd think at some point that some arrests would have been made, right? 


As it turns out, none were made:

No arrests were made on Saturday when pro-Hamas protesters surrounded the White House and scuffled with police as they advocated for Israel’s destruction, vandalized property, and called on Hamas to continue murdering Jews, the Secret Service and Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department confirmed to the Washington Free Beacon.


"The U.S. Secret Service made no arrests associated with the demonstration that took place near the White House complex June 8," an agency spokesman told the Free Beacon on Sunday.

A D.C. police spokesman also confirmed that it "made no protest related arrests yesterday," while a U.S. Park Police spokesman said the agency "did not make arrests during demonstration activity yesterday."

Isn't that special?

On the other hand, had this been a protest with a right-wing flavor to it, not only would the mainstream media have taken a starkly different, far more ominous tone in their reporting, but local and national law enforcement authorities would have pounced and seized on or, as Bonchie described it, "swarmed" the demonstrators.


I keep hearing this stuff from Democrats about a supposed "two-tier justice system" but it always seems like the ones who get punished in the aftermath of demonstrating these days are folks on the right.

The two-tier justice system is indeed in full effect but not in the way leftists typically describe it. In reality, it is part of a process that has commonly become known as "Democrat privilege," where members of one political party get the book thrown at them while the other one is routinely given the benefit of the doubt -- even in the face of clear and convincing evidence.

Flashback: What Leadership Looks Like: UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor Is Not Done With Pro-Hamas Agitators


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