Biden Is Going to Throw a Fit When He Hears How the Teamsters Responded to Trump Invite

AP Photo/Matthew Putney

Joe Biden is fond of claiming that he's such a "pro-union" guy. 

Of course, a "pro-union" guy would care about the basic things that union members would care about, which would be things like the economy and the border. But Biden gets big goose eggs for failures on both those issues, with the massive influx of illegal aliens and the crushing inflation and high interest rates that he's helped to bring in.


One might think that Biden would have the official endorsements sewn up since the labor union bosses generally throw in with the Democrats, even if their membership doesn't necessarily go along with them on that. 

The Teamsters Union hasn't made an official endorsement so far, but they asked to speak at both the Republican National Convention and the Democratic National Convention. Former President Donald Trump invited the Teamsters' General President, Sean O'Brien, to speak at the RNC.  

Trump explained in a Trump Social post: 

Trump said he was glad to invite him to show "working families that they come first." Trump said when he wins, Americans will once again have a country "everyone can afford to live in and be respected around the world." He said he looked forward to meeting with O'Brien and making America great again together. 

The Teamsters spokesperson confirmed the invite, and that O'Brien would be speaking, saying he was grateful for Trump's "openness to inviting a labor leader to speak on behalf of working families":


"This is truly unprecedented," the statement said:

Since this will be the very first time that a Teamsters General President has addressed the RNC. Our 1.3 million members represent every political background, and their message needs to be heard by as wide an audience as possible, and that includes all political candidates running for elected office."

That's fascinating, given they outright endorsed Biden in 2020. 

Now, they appear to truly be recognizing that many of their members may not be going along with that. You have to think that isn't good for Joe Biden when they say something like this, and that he's losing ground with them. But given how he's failed Americans in such critical ways, it's not hard to see why they would be having this reaction now. 

The Trump campaign also noted:  

“President Trump participated in a roundtable discussion with Teamsters President O’Brien, Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman, the union’s executive board, and rank-and-file members” in January, which “O’Brien described as ‘an in-depth and productive discussion on worker issues most important to the Teamsters Union.’”

I wrote about that back in January, calling it the picture that might spell doom for Biden:


Sounds like the relationship has moved further along. The Teamsters even made a donation to the RNC after that roundtable. 

It wasn't clear from the report whether the DNC had invited O'Brien to speak. But it sounds like they're tired of being taken for granted, and are broadening their horizons. And you know that's going to make Biden and the Democrats pull their hair out. 


The Pic of Trump and the Union President That May Spell Doom for Biden's Chances

One of the Biggest Unions in the Country Just Made a $45,000 Donation to the RNC


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