Katie Pavlich Schools AOC After Her Tantrum at Sinema and Other Dems on the Minimum Wage

AP Photo/Frank Franklin II

As we reported last night, folks on the left flipped out after several Democrats voted against including an increase in the minimum wage to the Wuhan coronavirus bill being considered in the Senate.


But the person who most disturbed them was Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) because of how she voted.

Apparently, she did that in the tradition of John McCain. But Democrats liked when he did that to the vote to repeal Obamacare. They were all kinds of triggered by Sinema.

Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called out Sinema and the others for their vote.

But of course, she and the other progressives fail to understand the economy, why it would cost jobs in Arizona and elsewhere which is why Sinema voted against it for the benefit of the workers. She also didn’t take failing to influence the Senate well with this little fit.


But Townhall’s Katie Pavlich gave AOC a little schooling in reality.

“This display wasn’t about taunting the working class,” Pavlich explained. “AZ’s Sinema is a) representing her constituents, who don’t want a $15 minimum wage (tried/bad in Flagstaff) b) pushing back far left House members who think they run the Senate (how cute), specifically a certain NY socialist.”

AOC had already revealed that she didn’t know much about the facts when she tried to do a comparison to Denmark as an argument. “It is utterly embarrassing that ‘pay people enough to live’ is a stance that’s even up for debate,” AOC claimed. “Override the parliamentarian and raise the wage. McD’s workers in Denmark are paid $22/hr + 6 wks paid vacation. $15/hr is a deep compromise – a big one, considering the phase in.”


Except that Denmark doesn’t have a minimum wage, has strict immigration laws and charges more for everything.

Maybe, especially as the economy is struggling to get back to normal after being throttled for a year by lockdowns, particularly in Democratic states, imposing another requirement on businesses that would be sure to crush them isn’t the best idea? AOC and her progressive cohort think businesses have unlimited resources and don’t realize it would do them in and/or cause them to fire employees. So it would actually adversely injure the very people they claim to be trying to help.

While the bill dumped the minimum wage, it still has a huge amount of pork in it to all kinds of other Democratic agenda items.

HT: Twitchy


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