Trump Punks Supporters Again: Tells Tech CEO's He Favors Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Pretty soon, we can start to call him Jeb Trump. The number of flip-flops by Trump, if measured in shoes would leave Imelda Marcos gasping for air. I know some people say, “Oh we should applaud when he comes around to the correct position.” The problem is, other candidates held those same positions and likely would be much better at getting the policies in question implemented.


Here’s the latest and it comes via Maggie Haberman at the NY Times:

Axios wrote something warning against assuming Trump is thinking along Jeb lines: 

When Trump talks about comprehensive immigration reform, it’s not on the terms of the Gang of 8. His orbit believes any deal will include extreme vetting and border security.

That may have been true in February. But after hearing Tim Cook’s appeal, it is highly unlikely even Trump is considering extreme vetting and border security after being told he needed to “show more heart.”

It’s not unlike what he did on healthcare reform. He was happy to exchange handshakes and grins with House members after the passage of the AHCA, but he told Republican senators the bill is too “mean” and needs changes.


What Trump wants more than anything else at this point is a win. He doesn’t care what it looks like. For him, signing a major piece of legislation will be the win Trump’s looking for since he took the oath of office. He has no core beliefs, so he’s not going to fight for anything. Going along with the Jeb Bush version of immigration reform doesn’t surprise me.


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