A Small Prayer Request

Just after the new year, I tried to explain why I write about faith more and more here at RedState. As I noted at the time, the reason I write about faith is because I need to. I spend my day being told in equal parts how awesome I am and how awful I am. I get told I need to do bigger and better things and I should be murdered on a near daily basis. I find myself often surrounded by people and things that would pull me more into the World and away from God. So I write for me and because it helps me put the world in perspective and because it puts me in perspective.


But I should admit there is a bit more to the story.

For the last two years I have felt strongly called to go to seminary. Over the past two years the number of invitations to speak at churches and to faith groups has increased along with my writing on faith issues. While the Baptist in me is always happy to get behind a pulpit, the Presbyterian (PCA) in me feels a bit awkward. And I must have an undiagnosed bit of Catholic in me because I feel a bit guilty getting behind a pulpit without an M.Div despite also wanting to be there.

I have put off the idea of going to seminary each time it has popped into my head. But in the last few months have felt more strongly convicted than ever. So I applied. Yesterday, the Reformed Theological Seminary’s Atlanta campus accepted me as a student and I will begin work on my Masters in Biblical Studies. I would value and appreciate your prayers.

I may not complete the degree, but I think given how much I am writing and speaking on faith that I should get some deeper education in Christian theology.

I will not be leaving RedState, radio, or television and I will only be taking a part time load with no Greek and Hebrew. I have duties and obligations here and elsewhere I intend to keep.


But you all are family to me and I think I owe it both to you and myself to do this that I might be able to glorify God more fully in this multidimensional platform of a career God has blessed me with. I never expected to be here or behind a microphone or in front of a camera. But I am. My conscience has convicted me that I need a greater education in these matters of faith I find myself more often discussing.

Thanks to many of you for the encouragement. Now the hard part begins.


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