Trump Roasts Biden's G7 Breakdowns, As Even the European Press Report on His Senility

AP Photo/Luca Bruno

Day two of the G7 is underway in Italy, and it can't end fast enough for Joe Biden. The president has had one of his worst international trips yet, not just because his policies are horrendous, but because his senility has been on full display. 


It's so bad that the European press couldn't ignore it. Here's a rough translation of some of the jarring headlines.

As RedState reported, on multiple occasions, Biden appeared to either be confused or get completely distracted. One clip circulated showing him wandering off as the rest of the world leaders posed for photos while watching skydivers land. Italian PM Giorgia Meloni was then dispatched to guide him back to the group.

SEE: More Bumbling Confusion From Biden at the G7 Opens Up Big Questions About the Debate

Every single leader in that video understood the assignment except Biden, and that has been the running theme of his trip. According to one report, the president has been "losing focus" during the world leader sessions. "It's the worst he's ever been," one source said. 

SEE: More Disturbing Reports From G7 About Biden 'Losing Focus'


Expectedly, Donald Trump has picked up on all the problems Biden has been having, and he sent out a blistering statement describing the president as a "brain-dead zombie."

It's smart for the former president to press this issue. There is nothing that is more of a liability for Biden than the fact that he is obviously senile. Every poll shows it is the primary concern surrounding his re-election bid, and when even the European press is pointing out, it's a problem. 

American adversaries are watching, and they are seeing no reason to fear Western power right now. That's been made obvious by the rash of aggression around the world. If Trump wins in November, the fact that Democrats forced a cadavier on the world will be a major reason.


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