Opera Star Andrea Bocelli Withdraws From Inauguration Performance After Death Threats

Old and busted: Refusing service based on values

New hotness: Refusing service based on values

Remember when the worst thing you could do was refuse to make pizza or a wedding cake based on values? Well, now the worst thing you can do is not refuse to do your job based on values. I know, it’s hard to keep up.


Noted opera star Andrea Bocelli was scheduled to perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration but has been forced to withdraw after receiving death threats. The blind tenor didn’t want to cancel, reports the Daily Mail:

A source close to Bocelli, a friend of Trump’s, said: ‘Andrea is very sad to be missing the chance to sing at such a huge global event but he has been advised it is simply not worth the risk.’

The news follows the announcement of the withdrawal of another star under threats and intimidation.

The revelation came as another singer – Broadway legend Jennifer Holliday – last night pulled out of the President-elect’s festivities after being threatened and branded an ‘Uncle Tom’.

So, that’s where we are. Death threats to those who refuse service due to their values, death threats to those who don’t. The tolerance brigade is a confusing bunch. It’s almost as if they want to have their gay wedding cake and eat it, too.


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