Sheriff Says Adios to the Democrat Party Over 'Unconstitutional' Lockdowns and a 'Socialist Agenda'


When radicalism overtakes the group, defection is to be expected.

And a Pennsylvania sheriff has made clear: Radicalism has taken over.

Therefore, James Custer is out — he’s mule-kicking the Party of the Donkey.


On Monday, James appeared on Fox News and blasted the “shift in ideals of the current Democrat Party at the national level.”

So what, in his view, is the new focus?

He mentioned one:

“The socialist agenda.”

The race to socialism has been a stunningly bold move.

I’m not sure anyone in the streets supporting the system realizes, but socialism gives all control to the politicians. Business ownership is canceled, as the government commandeers all products and means of production.

In other words, it seems like something no non-politician would ever in any way want.

Nonetheless: Great News! Millennials Like Socialism!

I guess we’re all suckers for solidarity:

But James is solid in his stance — against Joe Biden’s bunch.

He’s also sick of the shutdown, which he finds at odds with our founding document:

“This is something that I had been considering for several months. It probably started back when the pandemic started. And the mandates coming down by the Democratic governors, and, of which we have one here, Pennsylvania, that I fear are unconstitutional. And as the sheriff, it is my duty as a constitutional sheriff to protect and serve, uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and these unconstitutional mandates being brought down on our citizens. And being able to protect their rights and freedoms under the Constitution.”


Host Ainsley Earhardt asked — was “Defund the Police” a factor?

Take a wild guess:

“Yes, that was a definite factor, being that I’ve over 30 years in law enforcement. Starting back from the George Floyd incident and all the civil unrest and the calls for ‘abolish the police,’ ‘defund the police,’ that was part of factoring into my decision that, ‘Hey, this is not what I signed up for.'”

James isn’t alone:

“[T]here’s plenty of people out there that are backing us, and that’s why I was one of 40 individual sheriffs here in the state of Pennsylvania to endorse President Trump as our law and order president.”

As noted by The Daily Caller, more’s in store for James and his fellow fed-up Pennsylvanians — last Thursday, Gov. Tom Wolf issued all-new lockdowns:

“Today I am announcing additional, temporary COVID-19 protective mitigation measures in the commonwealth.”

The aim is a trio of triumph:

“With these measures in place, we hope to accomplish three goals: First, stop the devastating spread of COVID-19 in the commonwealth. Second, keep our hospitals and health care workers from becoming overwhelmed. And third, help Pennsylvania get through the holiday season – and closer to a widely available vaccine–as safely as possible,”


Touché, Tom. But in the county of Fayette, don’t expect the Sheriff to enforce your new rules.



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Bull: ‘Time’ Compares Trump to a Mythical Man-Eating Monster

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