
Yes, Elliot Page, LGBT Is Niche...All of It

AP Photo/Elise Amendola

When I was in elementary school, all the boys, and even some girls, identified as Power Rangers. 

For absolutely no reason, we'd stop in the middle of the hall, shout "It's morphin' time!" and then proceed to call out whatever dinosaur we thought was cool. A great many arguments were started because two or more boys tried to declare they were the Red Ranger. 

This was a phenomenon that was happening all over the country with little boys during the high point of the "Power Rangers" television series. You had a lot of pre-pubescent kids running around pretending to be mighty morphin' superheroes. Yet, despite this incredible surge of youngsters identifying as such, no one handed us weapons or giant robots. We didn't get cool watch communicators that beeped whenever there was trouble. 

Even more egregiously, we never got acknowledgment from the media or politicians for being the backbone of our society. There weren't any marches for us planned. No one set aside an entire month to celebrate our bravery. 


Because everyone knew two things. Firstly, the Power Rangers weren't real. Secondly, they knew it was a phase. And they were right! After a time, we grew out of wanting to be Power Rangers, just like we grew out of wanting to be dinosaurs before that. 

But I can imagine what would have happened if today's Democrats saw some sort of political benefit from forcing us kids to truly believe we actually were Power Rangers. It sounds silly, but social contagions are something of a Democrat Party specialty, and if pushing Power Rangerism on the youth would have resulted in loyal voters down the line, then you can bet there would have been a lot more adults thinking they were Power Rangers as well. 

But it wouldn't have made them Power Rangers because a bunch of people believing they're something they're not, even if they're all believing it at the same time, does not cancel out reality. 

I'm looking at actress Elliot Page when I say this because she seems to think that 30 percent of Gen Z believing they're LGBT takes being LGBT out of the niche category. 

Is she right about the percentage of Gen Z being LGBT? More or less, yes. Gen Z does identify as LGBT by a much larger margin than any generation before them, and likely any generation after. 

Here are a few interesting facts, though. 

This is primarily made up of Gen Z women with the vast majority identifying as "bisexual" at 20.7 percent. Lesbians come in at 5.4 percent. It's telling that "bisexuality" is the number one identifier, which is something that many women engage in in their youth and then grow out of as they mature. 

But the real telling part is that the "transgender" movement is actually a lot smaller, with less than one percent of people identifying as such, and the largest group of alternative sexual identities out there is "pansexual" or "asexual," at less than 2 percent each. 

"Pansexuality" is really just a fancy way of saying bisexual. 

So what we have is a very common thing happening, mostly among women, that tends to get dropped as the years go on and they desire to be in committed relationships with men. 

Page is wrong. It is a niche, and while young people having dynamic sexual identities when they're younger isn't new, it's still not the norm, and we can be very certain that most of the people who are identifying as LGBT don't actually mean it. They're saying it because it's the cool thing to say. 

I've covered in the past how our mainstream and corporate cultures have effectively turned into LGBT assembly lines for youngsters. They're bombarded with LGBT messaging all the time, even when they're young. Children's programming features LGBT messaging for kids as young as four and under. 

Related: Our Predatory Mainstream Culture Creates an Assembly Line of Gen Z Women Who Identify As LGBT

 Children's Show 'CoCo Melon' Pushes Trans Agenda on Kids Using Two Gay Dads and Boy in a Tutu

What would happen if the spigot were turned off tomorrow and no one pushed LGBT nonsense on the public anymore? 

The LGBT population would begin reducing among the youth, as sexual identity and LGBT-ism was replaced with the next cool thing. Gen Alpha probably wouldn't think about it at all, by and large. 

The fact is, LGBT culture isn't thriving, it's being kept on life support. It's artificially propped up for political reasons that only look like a social movement.  

The LGBT activist community is a huge benefit to the Democrat Party. It causes division and spite against Christians, Republicans, and other traditional groups, causing them to fall in lockstep with the Democrat Party. As any authoritarian party would, it tries to get to the youth early to make sure that support for Democrats is so normalized that it feels like lunacy to not support it. 

It is niche. They just have people thinking it's not. 


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