The Watercooler ~ Restoring the Rule of Law in America


Thy testimonies are wonderful; therefore my soul observes them. The unfolding of thy words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple….Redeem me from the oppression of man, that I may keep Thy precepts. Make Thy face shine upon Thy servant, and teach me Thy statutes. My eyes shed streams of water, because they do not keep Thy law. Psalm 119:129,130,134-136


Most of us are extremely alarmed with the lawlessness we see in the Obama administration. And those of us who know the scriptures well continue to be frustrated and disappointed as we witness many civil servants — including legislators and judges at both the state and federal levels — make laws and rulings that we know violate God’s laws.

This is a crisis that cannot be averted and must be confronted if we are to survive as a nation. While America is indeed an exceptional nation, that does not mean that God will impartially excuse us from our wrong doing and continue to bless us in the midst of our rebellion. Much to the chagrin of the progressives and atheists among us, our exceptionalism is inextricably tied to our covenant with God as both individuals and as a nation. But too many Americans — and that includes those we keep electing to serve us — are ignorant of these truths and cannot lead us out of the wilderness. Therefore, the burden is upon those of us who know the truth to do something about it.

Fortunately, we need look no further than our founding documents. The Declaration of Independence makes clear that our founders looked to scripture to understand the Law’s of Nature and of Nature’s God, and it also declared that it was God as our Creator who endowed us with our essential rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. From these truths, the Constitution of the U.S. was crafted to secure and safeguard these God-given rights.


You have to be a moron to conclude that the way to obtain Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness as referenced by our founders would be by defying God’s laws. But that is where we find ourselves today as we watch so many courts and legislators contribute to and hasten the downfall of our nation by justifying, protecting and sanctioning two of the most egregious violations of God’s law — homosexual marriage and abortion.

Thankfully, we still have time to reverse course but we are going to have to become more assertive and savvy in how we move forward. At this point in time, ignorance of the truth about our founding and the role God played in it is our biggest enemy. Once we can restore this basic premise, it will no longer be considered unconstitutional to bring our Bibles to the discussion to persuade our adversaries and others who have just lost their way that there is no higher authority to turn to for answers to our nations problems.

I’m going to be writing more about this in my Watercoolers moving forward. Contrary to popular belief, the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God are marvelous and wonderful testimonies that we need to proclaim again because it really is good news.


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