The Watercooler ~ The Evil Party Gets More Evil

On Tuesday, thirteen Democrats stopped the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act — a bill that would have prohibited performing abortions because of the gender of the baby — from seeing the light of day as they voted in lock-step to defend the practice of gendercide in California.


In a chilling admission of heartlessness, Democrat Assemblyman Rob Bonta, who sat on the Health Committee, defends his actions:

“The way the bill is crafted, it seems to be a significant roll back on a woman’s right to choose and that’s not something I’m prepared to support.”

The Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act was introduced May 6 by Republican Assemblywoman Shannon Grove along with ample evidence that the practice of aborting babies based on gender was clearly taking place in California. The bill would have prohibited performing an abortion because of the gender of the baby.

But, no, says the party of evil. (Note that the Democrat Chairman of the Health Committee is actually a physician, no less.) Nothing must interfere with sacred reproductive rights or a woman’s right to choose to kill her baby — especially if it is a girl:

“My constituents do not support this particular effort in restricting access to reproductive health services or interfering in that relationship that a woman has with her physician,” said Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (D-Culver City).

Chairman of the Assembly Health Committee Dr. Richard Pan reportedly called the practice of gender-selection abortion “abhorrent,” but still voted against the bill, saying, “It actually criminalizes the discussion between a physician and their patient around reproductive choices.”


What a sad day.

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