BREAKING: Huma's Had Enough of Weiner

It’s not Anthony Weiner’s best day ever. On the heels of pleading guilty to sexting with a 15-year-old girl, for which he’s facing jail time and must register as a sex offender, he’s now being served with divorce papers from his long-suffering wife, Huma Abedin.


You remember Huma. She’s been Hillary Clinton’s right-hand woman for many years now, happily tipping her toes into the same ethically challenged, borderline-to-outright-illegal waters. But whereas Hillary will always look the other way when it comes to her husband’s misdeeds – stand by your man, and all that – Huma has had enough.

Huma Abedin has finally filed for divorce against Anthony Weiner, just as her estranged husband pleaded guilty to sexting with a minor.

She brought an anonymous versus anonymous action in Manhattan Supreme Court Friday.

The filing is uncontested, meaning division of assets and custody of the couple’s young son should work  in Huma’s favor. One of the now-infamous pictures Weiner sexted to the underage girl showed him in an indelicate position, with his son right next him.


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