On Saturday, Norma McCorvey passed away.
I told her story here. She is better known by “Jane Roe,” of the infamous Roe v. Wade court battle that made abortion the law of the land.
The short-form story was that McCorvey was young and poor in Texas, pregnant with her third child and a victim.
Not a victim of rape (as she falsely claimed, at one point), or of anything else. She was targeted and taken advantage of by liberal feminist lawyers looking for someone to exploit for their cause.
Ultimately, McCorvey never appeared in court to be a part of the case that bore her name. Her involvement began and ended with signing the affidavit.
She also never had an abortion. She chose to give the baby up for adoption.
After working for the abortion rights industry for a time, McCorvey was pursued by Christ and turned her life in another way. She stepped out of the shadow of “Jane Roe” and began to carry her message – the story of life and the redemptive hope obtained in Christ to the world.
For the remainder of her years, she had to live with who she was, and what was done in her name.
Christ forgives, but sometimes, even with that knowledge, it is harder to forgive ourselves, and McCorvey struggled with that.
Melissa Clement is the president of Nevada Right to Life. She knew McCorvey’s story, and McCorvey, the person, as well.
Clement also knew Sarah Weddington, the feminist lawyer who argued the Roe v. Wade case and “won.”
In the late 1980s, Clement was a student body leader at the University of Nevada. Part of her responsibilities included securing speakers and entertainment for the student body.
She was a frequent attendee of feminist lectures, and had come to know Weddington well from those lectures.
She was finally able to get Weddington to appear as a speaker at the college.
Clement went on to describe the lecture as “brilliant.”
That night was a turning point for Clement, however.
From Lifenews.com:
After the event, a group of students and I took her to dinner and were entertained by more exciting, interesting stories. Over dessert, I asked, “whatever happened to Roe?”
Sarah’s gracious demeanor and beautiful smile changed instantaneously.
“She’s a stupid piece of white trash. She’s pro-life and a Christian,” she snarled throwing in a few decidedly ungracious and unrepeatable curse words. “She’s a piece of trash. She was stupid when we found her and she’s worse now.”
I quickly paid the check and the evening ended. Her words and her demeanor hung in the air that night and honestly, I have never been able to forget them.
And that, right there, was the end of a chapter. I would no longer blindly follow a feminist agenda that defined progress on the backs of dead babies. I began a journey from pro-choice to pro-life. Why? Because Roe v. Wade, the decision that supposedly was the rallying cry for all feminists, was achieved by taking advantage of a “stupid piece of trash” not fighting for the rights of all women. Just another example of a rich liberal white woman imposing her beliefs on those that shouldn’t be allowed to think or believe.
And that is the crux of the feminist movement and the pro-abortion agenda. They know better, and they want to impose their will on the rest of society, whether they agree, or not.
Clement went on to describe bringing Norma McCorvey to speak at a January rally for the Nevada state Right to Life group, over 20 years later.
Her speech wandered, halting here and there. Her delivery was not great and she was most definitely not articulate. But I don’t think I have ever been so moved by any speaker as I was by her story of victimization, loss, despair, redemption, triumph and crushing guilt. When she said, “I am responsible for the death of 50 million unborn babies,” I couldn’t hold the tears back. I, like everyone in the room, was forever changed.
After her speech, I had the opportunity to speak to her privately. I asked her, “whatever happened to Sarah Weddington and the other attorneys?” Miss Norma’s face transformed. It softened and saddened. “I haven’t heard from them in years. They were not nice women. They were not nice to me.” Then she added, “I heard she has breast cancer. I pray for her.”
That right there is what the feminist movement should be. Lifting our sisters up during their times of difficulty, not taking advantage of them and throwing them to the curb when we have used them up.
What a stark contrast.
Feminist activists took advantage of Norma McCorvey. Her story, where she was in her life, what would happen to her afterwards meant nothing to these women. All that mattered was the agenda.
That’s the difference people need to keep in mind, whenever there is another “Women’s March,” that blocks pro-life women from participating.
When another Hollywood star pimps the “women’s health” line, or they raise the specter of coat hanger abortions, remember that they began this charade, based on a lie, and abusing the trust of a woman they targeted to use as a tool.
There was nothing noble in this cause when it began. There is nothing noble in it, now.
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