The Newest Democrat Scheme to 'Get' the President

You didn’t really think that the Democrats would stand down after failing to Impeach the President, did you? Two of their manufactured grandiose schemes have crashed and burned: Russia collusion and Ukraine quid pro quo. They have moved on to yet another false narrative that they hope will succeed under the rubric of a “cover-up,” retaliation, and political corruption of the DoJ. A set-up associated with the latter item is well underway.


Trump associate Roger Stone was convicted of three non-violent crimes: obstruction, making false statements, and witness tampering in a high-profile trial run by prosecutors from the Mueller team whose real target was, of course, President Trump. Those prosecutors vindictively sought a maximum sentencing of 7-9 years for those offenses, which recommendation was filed on Monday. In a dramatic reversal, the acting chief of the criminal division in the DC US Attorney’s Office issued a new memo recommending reduced sentencing more in line with DoJ guidelines.

As a result, the four federal prosecutors who ran the Stone persecution/prosecution resigned in protest: Jonathan Kravis, Adam Jed, Michael Marando, and Aaron Zelinsky. All of them have deep Democrat ties and were part of the Mueller witch hunt. For example, Zelinsky was a former HuffPo columnist specifically brought on by Weissmann for the Stone prosecution/persecution. And the usual suspects are “outraged” at what they describe as political meddling at DoJ in response to a POTUS tweet about the harshness of the recommended sentence. Let’s look at some of their caterwauling.


First up is a tweet from Obama’s censured attorney general, Eric Holder, who came out in support of the “Stone Four”:

Next, CNN hack Marshall Cohen’s praise for Zelinsky was slapped down by John Cardillo here:

The leftwing echo chamber continued propagating the set-up in this tweet cited by Chuck Ross that includes their virulently anti-Trump ally Matthew Miller (formerly Obama DoJ and now at MSNBC):

And, of course, the reliable swamp rat, Asha Rangappa (a Mueller protégé now spewing anti-Trump diatribes at CNN), expresses “sadness and grief” at the resignations of the Stone Four:


Then for a bit of irony, McCabe’s leftwing attorney piles on (“they showed the way”):

And right on cue, elected Democrats like Eric Swalwell jumped on the “political corruption bandwagon.”

And, of course, here’s all the proof we need that this is yet another coordinated hit-job with San Fran Nan weighing in:


The above are just a few of the bleats that magically materialized almost concurrently. This is a textbook case of how the Left operates: manufacture a crisis and use legacy media allies in the echo chamber to attempt to create something out of nothing while trying to insulate the perpetrators themselves from future liability and retaliation.

This is the newest front in the Democrats’ never-ending attempts to “get” the President. However, the official DoJ spokesman stated that decision to challenge the original sentencing recommendation was made almost immediately after it was filed and that no one in the White House was consulted:

And as this article from The Federalist reports, it is entirely possible that the Stone Four may have lied about their sentencing recommendation, too.

Sources told The Federalist that Timothy Shea, who was recently appointed to take over as the top federal prosecutor in D.C. earlier this month, was bullied into agreeing to the sentence recommendation by Adam Jed and Aaron Zelinsky, who were originally tapped by Mueller to investigate whether Donald Trump treasonously colluded with the Russian government to steal the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton.


Furthermore, let’s compare Stone’s 7 to 9-year recommended sentence to that dished out to swamp rat James Wolfe. Remember him? He was the Senate Intel Committee staffer who lied about his Russia collusion hoax-related leaks to the media and received a mere two months for his “non-violent crime.” All things considered, this seems like a political set-up to me.

Zelinsky and his allies above, as well as at Lawfare and elsewhere throughout leftwing jurisprudence and the legacy media, are involved in yet another manufacture nothing-burger: file an overly harsh sentencing recommendation, wait for the right moment (a combination of a POTUS tweet and the inevitable refiling of a proper sentencing recommendation consistent with DoJ guidelines), and then resign en masse to make it look like corruption. Furthermore, this gives the four a little insulation (in their minds) from exposure as the entire Mueller investigation is unraveled (the illegal FISA warrants will likely end up invalidating some of the cases brought by Mueller’s henchmen). The Stone Four are trying to discredit all future attempts to hold them accountable for their actions in weaponizing DoJ against President Trump and his associates during the Russia collusion hoax.

This set-up won’t end the way they think it will end, as the rotten Mueller onion is being unpeeled layer by layer, as reported here.


The end.


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