Just a short while ago, President Trump sent out this tweet:
I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes – and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 20, 2018
This is appropriate as it seems obvious that neither Jeff Sessions nor Rod Rosenstein has any interest in getting to the bottom of the nature and scope of surveillance carried out by the Obama administration on the Trump campaign. As Andy McCarthy, as quoted in Sarah Lee’s post, says:
No! No. no. Everybody knew about it. The agents’ texts made that clear. The Susan Rice, the memo she wrote, the “CYA” memo she wrote going out the door makes that clear. The White House had to know about this from the start. And look, Larry, it’s the kind of thing… An important thing about counterintelligence… there’s nothing wrong with the president knowing about it. Because, unlike criminal investigations and prosecutions where we don’t want the political people interfering in the four corners of the case, counterintelligence is done for the president. the purpose of it is to gather intelligence, to gather information to enable the president to carry out his most important constitutional responsibility which is protecting the country from foreign threats to national security.
Right now the evidence indicates that FBI agent Peter Strzok was not being melodramatic about the “insurance policy.” Not only had a run been made at incriminating four members of the Trump campaign by an FBI source, Stefan Halper, but I think there is circumstantial evidence that there was an informant inside the campaign–if you think about it a bit you can probably figure it out–and yesterday’s story about the Saudi Arabia/UAE is suspiciously like the Halper story and the meeting in Trump Tower with the Russian lawyer who just happened to work for Fusion GPS which means there may have been more than one line of attack planned.
Many have noted this is not the first time Trump has demanded an investigation.
I hereby demand a second investigation, after Schumer, of Pelosi for her close ties to Russia, and lying about it. https://t.co/qCDljfF3wN
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 3, 2017
But in all the chortling, two things are ignored. First, there is a second investigation underway, John Huber is investigating Clinton’s Uranium One scam as well as the use of a FISA warrant to conduct surveillance of Carter Page. Second, the landscape has changed since then. The most recent public opinion poll shows most Americans think Mueller’s investigation is politically motivated. Mueller and Rosenstein are weak enough that they are being challenged by at least three Congressional committees. If, as I suspect, Trump has made the decision that he’s not going to cooperate with Mueller, he stands to lose nothing by pressing for a very valid investigation. In fact, after the DOJ IG report is released, I suspect there will be no way to stop one.
So there will presumably be a memorandum from the president to the deputy attorney general ordering such an investigation. The White House Counsel will have drafted such an order. Will Mr. McGahn be ready publicly to defend its legality and propriety? https://t.co/URoJ0nmaFU
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) May 20, 2018
What is also certain is that the same people who have been harping on the fact that Trump has the authority to declassify documents and should do so are not going to be happy that Trump has directed an investigation though he has the authority to do so. And once again the ‘muh principles’ gang is going to be revealed as frauds.
On April 11, 1865, General Grant sent his final wartime dispatch to Abraham Lincoln.
Gen. Sheridan says “If the thing is pressed, I think Lee will surrender.”
Lincoln scribbled at the bottom of the dispatch a note and sent it back to Grant:
Let the thing be pressed.
I think that is where Trump is now. If he presses this, along with other pressure points, Mueller will be forced to issue his report and go away because it is certain now that Mueller has no intention of going away on his own.
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