‘She Persisted’ In Trying To Be Relevant; Twitter Reacts To Chelsea Clinton’s Latest PR Stunt

Ever since Hillary Clinton lost her bid for the presidency last November there has been an overt and concerted push by media across the spectrum (news, entertainment, etc.) to make Bill and Hillary’s offspring, Chelsea, a thing.


Outlets like The New York Times and Politico have gushed over her new “sassy” Twitter persona since November. The Hill — ostensibly a site that covers news from Capitol Hill and other political happenings — has arguably been the most egregious in their relentless push to make the perennially unlikable Chelsea relevant.

The latest in the never-ending plight to give ultra-privileged Chelsea the “every woman,” work-a-day, plebeian stench comes in the form of every parent and child’s favorite thing: The political, agenda-driven children’s book.

That’s right. Chelsea is authoring a new children’s picture book, called “She Persisted.” An obvious harkening to the fated words Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell uttered about Elizabeth Warren following a dust-up over Warren violating Senate rules during Sen. Jeff Sessions confirmation for U.S. Attorney General.

The “She Persisted” meme has since become a favorite for the leftists as a rah-rah, you-go-girl moment spun as a woman not shutting up when told by a man to sit down. Rather than the true act of egalitarianism it actually was; Warren was treated in the same manner any of her colleagues male would have been.

When the news came out Thursday morning that Chelsea would be inserting herself into such a politically charged meme, well, Twitter had a few things to say about it:




I’m sure The New York Times will lend her all the necessary credibility of a Best Seller at all costs. Because despite nearly everyone on both sides shaking their heads over Chelsea becoming a thing, it looks like they will foist her upon us nonetheless.


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