Biden Gets Snippy at Reporters and Makes Weird Comment As He Greets Kenyan President at WH

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Joe Biden didn't have a heavy schedule on Wednesday. He had one event scheduled, meeting with the President of Kenya, William Ruto at the White House. 

But he shows now, each time he has an appearance, how he just keeps getting worse. As Biden went to greet Ruto, who had just arrived in his car, a reporter asked him when he would be going to Africa. This is the leader of the free world, just spewing random things out of his mouth, like a child or someone who is not mentally well: 


REPORTER: "When are you going to Africa, sir?"

BIDEN: "When you wanna go?"

REPORTER: "When you want to go?" (confused by the answer)

BIDEN: "When you wanna go?"

REPORTER: "When do I want to go?"

Then he staggered down the red carpet with that stilted walk. Once he greeted Ruto, the reporters tried again, and he said they were "heading today to Africa," then said he was joking. Unfortunately, it's not funny. 

A reporter asked if Biden would be going before January (before he may be out of office). That must have annoyed him, because he said he would be going in February -- after he was "reelected." I wouldn't count on that, if I were him. But you know he doesn't mean it anyway, he's just saying that to juice them and get them off his back. 

Then Biden got snippy with the reporters. "Are these questions relevant?" he asked, once again being short with the press. 

Um, yeah? You're meeting with the president of Kenya. You've said you would go there in the past. So maybe, it's a good question? But instead of answering it like a normal adult, just that small question was enough to tick him off. 


Then he went staggering back into the White House with Ruto. I can't imagine what the Marines must be thinking, when they see him like this every day. 

Even the time that he's giving to Ruto would appear to be rather brief, meeting with him only for about thirty minutes--and then having a brief meeting with him and some business leaders. Not exactly treating him like he's that important: 

The rest of the X post reads: 

They will discuss for less than 30 minutes, take pictures, and shake hands. Mr. Biden will engage with Mr. Ruto of Kenya and CEOs and other Business Leaders at 4:30 pm. This is likely to be a brief meeting. Pictures will be taken, and Mr. Biden will then retire for the day, according to his schedule today as released by @WhiteHouse

That's it for his whole day. He barely does anything, and this is the type of condition he's in when he's doing it: 



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