Ohio Democrat Bill Patmon: Get those #blacklivesmatter protesters in front of @PPAct offices!

Come, I will conceal nothing from you: when I saw this tweet I said Gotta be an African American. No white Democrat would ever dare say this*. Ever.  And then I clicked through, and lo! He was.


During a rally outside the Ohio statehouse on Tuesday, Ohio State Rep. Bill Patmon, a Democrat, said the demonstrators from the Black Lives Matter movement, which targets the police, should include Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.

“You hear a lot of demonstrations across the country now about ‘black lives matter.’ Well they skipped one place. They should be in front of Planned Parenthood,” said Patmon, who is African-American.

Bolding mine: let me also point out that Ohio Rep. Patmon is also introducing a bill to defund Planned Parenthood in Ohio.  This shouldn’t surprise anybody, though: African-Americans have serious moral issues with abortion. It doesn’t stop African-Americans from voting for Democrats, obviously – but their personal attitudes on abortion still remain. So the Democrats are playing with some serious fire, here. Because you may have noticed that the crowd was firmly in agreement with state Representative Patmon on all of this…

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*People who like the phrase Black Lives Matter should start protesting Planned Parenthood offices.


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