Top Dem Can't Stop Flip-Flopping on Whether Biden Will Run Again

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of the congressional Democrats for a moment. I know — but just for a minute. More specifically, the shoes of Democrat lawmakers facing tight elections in November. Joe Biden is your president. Joe Biden. While every Democrat on Capitol Hill shares the blame for the current state of the Union, running for re-election with the Biden albatross hanging around your neck has to be hell.


Not only have Biden’s disastrous policies crippled the American economy and brought hardship to tens of millions of hardworking Americans; the addled, often incoherent president, who will turn 80 on November 20, has embarrassed and weakened America in the eyes of most of the world, including our NATO allies.

So how bad is it? A July survey found that 88 percent of U.S. adults believed the nation is on the wrong track. Moreover, a recent poll found that 59 percent of adults are “very concerned” (36 percent) or “somewhat concerned” (23 percent) about the state of Biden’s mental health.

Again, “congressional Democrat,” what do you do? What do you say when asked if you think the most inept president in the history of the Presidency should seek re-election? Do you lie, to avoid the fallout from party leaders, or do you tell the truth with conviction and stick to your guns?

That’s exactly what Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), chairwoman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, did. All of the above, I mean. Confused? Apparently so was Maloney — or maybe she wasn’t confused at all; instead falling victim to the Democrat conundrum I’ve laid out.

During an interview with The New York Times editorial board published on Saturday, when the top Democrat was asked, “Should President Biden run again?,” she responded, “Off the record, he’s not running again.”


The Times immediately responded, “Not off the record. On the record.”

“On the record?” Maloney responded. “No, he should not run again.”

The Times cleverly packaged the question along with four other “yes-or-no questions,” in an obvious effort to protect Maloney (and itself) from explaining why Biden should not seek re-election in 2024. “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” you know — unless it’s news detrimental to the left, of course.

Maloney’s latest double backflip started in early August, as reported by my RedState colleague Sister Toldjah, when she and fellow New York Rep. Jerry Nadler were asked if Biden should run again.

“I don’t believe he’s running for re-election,” Maloney responded.

Nadler’s non-answer was pure scuzzball Nadler:

Too early to say. Doesn’t serve the purpose of the Democratic Party to… to deal with that until after the midterms.

What about serving the purpose of the American people, Jerry? Oh, wait — you’re you.

Maloney flip-flopped the very next day, not only retracting her comment; but also awkwardly apologizing to Biden for making it.


Mr. President, I apologize. I want you to run. I happen to think you won’t be running, but when you run or if you run I will be there 100 percent.

You are a great president. And thank you for everything you’ve done for my state, and all the states and all the cities, in America. Thank you, Mr. President.

If Biden’s such a “great president,” why didn’t the groveling Maloney believe it less than 24 hours earlier?

While 2024 does not present the rosiest of pictures for the Republican Party, either, given the internecine warfare to come, the Democrats have purposely put themselves in the most untenable of positions: Joe Biden? Kamala Harris? Michelle Obama? Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton?

OK, you can take off the Democrat shoes, now.


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