Leftists Abandon Everything They Say They Stand For by 'Fat Shaming' Trump

Oh the irony.

After White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson announced the results of Donald Trump’s first annual physical as president on Tuesday, many on the Left began criticizing the commander-in-chief’s weight. Jackson said the president is 6 foot 3 inches and weighs 239 pounds — just one pound shy of technically being “obese.”


Leftist critics pounced on this aspect on the president’s physical results – those who did not actually question the credibility of the White House physician, who has treated presidents of both political parties, by the way. The ones who did accept the results did so with heavy criticism (see what I did there?) about Trump’s weight.

Since when have Leftists been in the business of shaming others because of their weight? Isn’t it a liberal rule that they not “fat shame” others? After all, we’re living in a society of snowflakes who might become offended if someone else tells them they’re at risk of further disease because of how much they weigh. It just seems odd to me that that, all of a sudden, Leftists have no problem shouting from the rooftops that the president is one pound shy of “obese.”

I mean, think of all the liberal magazines that have featured on their covers photos of feminist women and men in the nude. They also just so happened to be…well, not exactly in shape. But they were celebrated. Their bodies were “beautiful” because, you know, those pictures showed their “true selves,” or something.


President Trump hasn’t posed in the nude (thank God) but it’s some rich irony that when Trump is near “obese,” it’s a bad thing. But when feminists pose in the buff, they’re celebrated.

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