Donald Trump: We're Going To Keep Common Core (Updated)

Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr Creative Commons

DonkeyHotey via Flickr Creative Commons

That’s right. Donald Trump, in South Carolina, came out in favor of Common Core education standards. Has he not been paying attention? Common Core is wildly unpopular in South Carolina. The state had originally implemented the standards and then rescinded them after a public backlash.


Jeb Bush, at a Heritage Action forum in South Carolina was booed over the issue.

Yet, here he is:

Thanks to Josh Perry for grabbing that. Now watch Trump change his tune between now and February 20th. If there is one thing consistent about Donald Trump, it’s his complete lack of consistency.

UPDATE: Trump says he was referring to something Jeb Bush said. I’ll wait for more details. 

UPDATE II: Here is what Trump is saying

But that’s not accurate. If he screwed up, he should own it. And he did screw up. Head over to The Right Scoop where Soopermexican explains it in more detail. 

Caricatures by DonkeyHotey

UPDATE III: Trump is opposed to Common Core.  I added the update on behalf of reader @FeliciaLee4Cruz who was nice enough to explain the update in question really didn’t make it clear on Trump’s position.


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