Union Goons, Yet Again, Target A Businessman For Attack

Editorial Note: Originally this post only mentioned the SEIU, but I have fixed it to clarify that the SEIU is one of several unions involved.The head of the SEIU purple people beaters attacked Sarah Palin for her target map. He feared it might incite violence.But, that was Sarah Palin. The SEIU itself is perfectly willing to incite violence to serve its purposes.Walmart is building a store in Washington, D.C. A company called Pratt Development is leasing land to Walmart for the store. A group called “Wal-Mart Free DC”, a union group that has SEIU involvement, is circulating a flier with the home address of Dick Knapp, the head of Pratt Development, to send people out to protest and intimidate him.Oh, and yes, the flier has a gun range style target on it. You can see it right here.Back in May, you will recall, the SEIU sent out 500 purple people beaters to the home of a Bank of America Executive.So much for a changed tone.UPDATE: Aaron points out that the Wal Mart will replace an old Chevy dealership. The dealership would probably still be there if not for unions.



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