WATCH: Tucker Carlson Lays Out Two Years of Collusion Hysteria and Why They Must Be Held Accountable

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, accompanied by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif. and other congress members speaks during a news conference on Trump Putin Helsinki Summit at Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday, July 17, 2018. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)


UPDATE: I’m having to update this article because the Mueller report was been finished and delivered after I first set it to publish. It appears there will be no collusion shown and we know for sure there are no more indictments coming as part of the Mueller probe. While there are still lots of details left to sift through, the worst conspiracy theories pushed by the media appear to be false.


That makes this montage by Tucker even more relevant. Watch as much as you can because being reminded of just how dishonest the media and Democrats were over all this is going to be very important over the next few weeks as the reckoning begins.


As it becomes more and more likely that Mueller’s investigation is wrapping up without the bombshell Democrats hoped for, politicians and media members alike are trying to shift the playing field. After two years of often hysterical statements and coverage, they are trying to run away from their prior assertions, now claiming that finding collusion was never important.

It’s all nonsense and Tucker Carlson lays out just how far they went with this great opening monologue last night.

For now, we’d like to take a second to put this entire, sprawling story in perspective. Our job on this show is to remember things, to create a record of what’s happened in this country over the past few years, and what’s happened to it. Our grandchildren will want to know. If the left has its way, they will never see the details. It will all be whitewashed, like so much else in our history. So let’s recall, for the record, what the Robert Mueller investigation is about, why we got a special counsel in the first place. The point wasn’t to discover whether the president fudged deductions on his tax returns thirty years ago. It wasn’t to find out whether he wanted to build another hotel in foreign country. From its first day, the Mueller investigation was justified by a single question: Did Donald Trump collude with the Russian government to steal the 2016 presidential election? Did the president betray his country? For close to three years, Democrats have told us that, yes, he did:

BETO: It’s beyond a shadow of a doubt that if there was not collusion, there was at least the effort to collude

ADAM SCHIFF: I think there’s plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight

MAXINE WATERS: There’s more to be learned about it. I believe there has been collusion.

JOHN PODESTA: It’s starting to smell more and more like collusion

NANCY PELOSI: We saw cold, hard evidence of the Trump campaign, the Trump family eagerly intending to collude possibly with Russia.

If you grew up in this country, it’s hard to shrug off charges like the ones you just heard. Maxine Waters is an irrelevant person, a living sideshow. But Nancy Pelosi is hardly that. She is the speaker of the House of Representatives. She’s third in line to the presidency. Adam Schiff is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He’s privy to the most highly-classified information our government possesses. John Podesta was the Chief of Staff in one White House and a senior advisor in another. Beto O’Rourke has raised more money than anyone else running for president in 2020. These are not peripheral figures. They are the most serious people in the modern Democratic Party. We took them seriously. We felt we had a duty to understand why they were calling the president of the United States a traitor.


There’s a lot more in the 11 minute clip, including breathless media coverage of false stories such as Cohen in Prague and commentators comparing Trump to Benedict Arnold, openly suggesting he should be hung.

None of this was accidental or a mistake. From the moment Donald Trump took office, Democrats and the media have run with a narrative they desperately wanted to be true. They weren’t actually concerned about the country. Instead, it was simply an excuse to get Trump out of office because they didn’t like the outcome of the 2016 election.

Now that the narrative is falling apart, there should be repercussions. Tucker goes on to make that point.

There need to be consequences for this. Once the Mueller report appears and it becomes incontrovertible that, whatever his faults, Donald Trump did not collude with the Russians, the many people who’ve persistently claimed on the basis of no evidence that he did collude with the Russians must be punished. Not indicted or imprisoned, but thoroughly shamed and forced to apologize. If Republicans spent three full years falsely claiming that Barack Obama colluded with the government of Iran, would those who claimed it, ever work in politics or media again? That’s a rhetorical question.

I’m not suggesting they should be forced off the air. But these people should have no credibility after this. Any media member, Democrat politician, or former CIA official that perpetuated this and refuses to admit their mistake should never be taken seriously again. There should also be a real investigation in to how much of what occurred was actually legal and who leaked classified information to feed this farce. If John Brennan and Adam Schiff were leaking to CNN, as has been long suspected, they should be held accountable with the full force of the law. If Obama administration officials used a false pretense and improperly unmasked individuals to force a partisan investigation, there should be real consequences for that. If FBI and DOJ officials lied to a FISA court, that can’t just be brushed aside.


None of this is asking to prosecute political enemies. It’s asking for our justice system to be evenly and fairly applied. This sad episode in our nation’s history has been profoundly damaging. It’s hamstrung foreign affairs, caused incredible division, and even led to violence as #resistance members lashed out in public, egged on by a narrative that never had factual backing. Fully 67% of Democrats believe Trump not only colluded with Russia but that Russia changed vote totals. That’s completely insane and it’s a direct result of people lying on a daily basis about things they had no evidence of.

When the Mueller report finally drops, it’s going to be important to remember who pushed us so close to the edge and to point clearly to their political motivations to do so.


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