Not Surprising: FLOTUS' Weird Christmas Video Features BLM-Supporting, Anti-Prison Dancers

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

RedState's Nick Arama brought you the story of Jill Biden's bizarre Christmas video which featured dancers prancing around the White House in a strange version of "The Nutcracker." Arama was anything but impressed:


It didn't look anything like the Nutcracker Suite, which is beautiful and classical. Apparently, they had to change that because they're Democrats — they just can't leave anything alone. But they ended up making it look like "Hunger Games at the Circus." It had people dressed in bizarre outfits including a woman in a suit looking like she had a "furry face" on and a guy with a huge purple flower on his head. It made the White House look a bit like a circus tent. I'm not sure what the cost of that production was but whatever it was, it wasn't worth it. 

Take a look:

Not surprisingly, considering it's the Bidens we're dealing with, the dance troupe turns out to be a far-left, anti-prison, BLM-supporting outfit, which is as devoted to leftist causes as they are to dance. 

The dancing troupe commissioned by First Lady Dr. Jill Biden for a Christmas video are Black Lives Matters activists who promote far-left policies, including defunding the police. 

Dorrance Dance, a tap dancing troupe from New York City, performed a 'playful' interpretation of The Nutcracker Suite through the halls of the White House

The group openly support controversial activist group Black Lives Matter as well as advocating on their website for 'prison abolition'. 


Under the "anti-racism" tab at the top of their website, they have sections called "take action for justice & change," "urgent action needed," and "how to educate yourself." Each one leads to a plethora of causes and social justice issues. In the how to educate yourself section, for instance, they write: "For those who are investigating or have questions about white privilege, systemic racism, white fragility, and anti-racism for the very first time: answers all the basic questions in a very straightforward way."

The troupe also supports causes such as defunding the NYPD and the Minneapolis Police Departments, and stopping "the illegal export of riot equipment to the United States from the UK."

Black Lives Matter has been accused of mismanaging its funds, and only 33 percent of its accumulated donations of $90 million went to charitable causes from 2020 to 2022. Crime in big cities, meanwhile, is a huge problem and retaining officers has been a major issue for police forces. The defund the police movement has played a large role in the deterioration of our safety. 


Leave it to the Bidens to politicize Christmas. What should be a happy greeting of peace and love is actually a leftist propaganda message in disguise. Imagine if Trump had NRA-loving dancers deliver his White House Christmas communique? The world would have exploded. 

The "moderate" Biden has turned out to be anything but, and the White House can't even let the holidays pass without trying to inject them with divisive politics.


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