
Donald Trump and the Left's Relationship With 'Normality'

AP Photo/Terry Renna

I tend to quote the great Rush Limbaugh a lot. It is not intentional, but so much of what he said, so much of what he instilled in us is so demonstratively true. One of the things El Rushbo used to say is that when the left, usually mainstream media types, used the term "right-wing," we needed to remember that for them, there is no such thing as "left-wing." Because what they believe is "normal," it's reasonable, it's run-of-the-mill. It's those rascally Republicans who are the fringe kooks, what they believe is not normal. If there is any one thing that could have validated what Rush was talking about, it is the rise of Donald Trump and the left and the media's reaction to him and those who support him. 

Thanks to the committed leftists at "Vanity Fair" magazine, that fact was reiterated once again in a recent article. It was a clear warning to their equally committed leftist readers that nothing about Trump's reelection campaign is "normal," and should he be reelected, Trump is sure to embark on his "revenge tour," and they had better gird their loins and be ready for it. The left surely thought by election time in 2024, they would have long ago been rid of Trump. They were certain he would be languishing away in a jail cell somewhere, still yapping about a "deep state." But try as they might, that hasn't happened. In fact, the only one of Trump's cases that has the possibility of even going to trial before the election. That would be the New York "hush money" case involving porn star Stormy Daniels. 

Me: “Not saying it’s right or wrong, but isn’t that the exact thing he’s going through right now? Weaponization of the justice system and a government actively trying to destroy him?” 


Well, I like to give props where props are due. "Vanity Fair" is right: Trump's campaign is not normal, and you have no one to blame for that but yourselves. Democrats and the left learned early on that Donald Trump was not a normal candidate. He was not a politician and would not be beholden to anyone to finance his campaign, and he was not afraid of them. Those are giant red flags. The left knows that if they can't control you, you are a danger to them, and you must be stopped. The only proof needed that Trump was a huge problem was a 2016 New York Times article written by then-Media Columnist Jim Rutenberg. The "Cliff Notes" version of Rutenberg's piece: journalists, at least those who identify as journalists, were somehow obligated to cover Trump differently, and if that coverage was imbalanced, well, so be it "Because Mr. Trump is conducting his campaign in ways we’ve not normally seen."

But now, coupled with that, it is the brutally naked self-unawareness and the inability to connect the dots that the left is operating under. The article cites a post Trump made to his "Truth Social" social media platform in March stating that January 6 Committee member former Rep. Liz Cheney “should go to Jail along with the rest of the Unselect Committee!” Fellow Committee member Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) said of Trump's post, “If he intends to eliminate our constitutional system and start arresting his political enemies, I guess I would be on that list..." Apparently, Lofgren is not aware that Joe Biden's Department of Justice has spent nearly $24 million investigating and prosecuting his chief political opponent, Donald Trump.

The projection of their own fantasies onto conservatives is also completely lost on the left. The article also cites an appearance by Kash Patel on fellow former Trump advisor Steve Bannon's "War Room" podcast, where Patel stated that if Trump was reelected, he “will go out and find the conspirators not just in government, but in the media." But a question was posed, "... no one takes what Kash Patel said about jailing members of the media seriously, but why don’t we?" Is there any doubt that if the left had the chance to shut down conservative media and other opposing viewpoints, they would do it? How many years did they spend trying to get Rush Limbaugh thrown off the airwaves? 

The pearl clutchers at "Vanity Fair" should be terrified. Terrified that they are reduced to mere twisting of Trump's words (see "bloodbath") because Joe Biden is unable to produce a coherent string of words of his own. But the biggest question for the "Vanity Fair" crowd should be, if everything you have done is correct, then you have done nothing wrong, so why are you so afraid of possible "retribution" or "revenge?" Why would Trump feel the need to exact any sort of revenge? 

Maybe what the "Vanity Fair" faithful are really afraid of is millions of "normal" Americans who might want a bit of retribution of their own.


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