Geraldo Brutally Blasts Democrats for Their Impeachment Shenanigans: 'It's Bullsh--,' and It Makes Him 'Gag'



Geraldo Rivera’s a guy who thinks for himself. Just check out that mustache — he’s had it, he has it, and he’s probably always gonna. Times may change, but his mustache doesn’t. That’s the kind of dependability I look for in life.


Also something that doesn’t change: bullsh**.

That’s what he called Democrats’ impeachment mania Thursday, in a to-the-point tweet.

The guy’s so fed up, he’s about to dadgum gag:

“Hearing Democrats talking about their ‘solemn responsibility’ makes me gag. It’s bullsh**. They failed with the Russia hoax, then dropped that 2 1/2 year $45 million crusade when they discovered another hook. @realDonaldTrump’s #Ukraine call was sucky. Sucky ain’t a high crime.”

And keep in mind — in case it isn’t obvious by his use of the word “sucky” above — the guy’s no fan of Trump.

But I suppose he’s even less a fan of BS.

Rivera’s review of the House’s formal impeachment resolution: It’s pure partisan poop. From a large male bovine, apparently.

“It’s only technically correct to say “House passes a resolution formalizing #impeachment. Democrats passed it without a single Republican vote. Those pretentiously intoning how history will judge best remember this as a strictly partisan sectarian event-the sect of Democrats.”


Sectarian? That’s easy to believe. And it further begs the question, in my opinion, “Why are they wasting all this time on such goofiness when they’ve got an election to lose?”

Earlier in the morning, the mustachioed media man had even more to say about it:

Unfortunately, not everyone heralds the reporter born Gerald.

There were responses such as these:


But personally, I love Geraldo.

Because of this:

Reminds me of Congress. And the partisan pants-filling that’s currently fueling the madness. Geraldo thinks it smells like a bull’s.

And as lame tactics go, he may not be very far from right. In fact, he may be within a mustache hair’s.



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