It is official, Sen. Bernie Sanders, self avowed socialist, will be challenged by John MacGovern for the chance to represent the state of Vermont in the U.S. Senate.
A few weekends ago, after our state committee meeting, I had to opportunity to sit down with John. We discussed his record in government, his views on the issues, and his run to unseat Sen. Sanders and bring balance to Vermont’s federal representation.
John MacGovern is a pro-growth fiscal conservative who believes that our debt is creating a condition of economic slavery, and our policies are hindering economic mobility. John is in favor of flattening taxes and creating an environment where producers are not punished for their success.
In addition to being a fiscal conservative, John MacGovern conservative on National Defense. John is supportive of common sense cuts to defense spending that do not endanger our missions or the safety of our Armed Forces. MacGovern believes we must trust our commanders on the ground and stop making policy decisions based on political calculations.
John is also pro-life. He understands that Obamacare will lead to government being in more private family decisions, such as the hotly debated HHS mandate. John sees that the HHS mandate is a violation of conscience rights protected by our Constitution for some 200 years. John MacGovern supports the full repeal of Obamacare so we can work towards true reform of our healthcare system.
John MacGovern also comes into this with a history of government experience. As a 4 term member in the MA House, John represented a 2-1 Democrat district from 1983-1990. During this time he received a fiscal rating of 100% in first term, 84 in second, third and fourth from Citizens for Limited Taxation. Giving him an overall average of 88%. In 1990 John ran for the U.S. House in MA-5, Lowell – Lawrence – Framingham, against Chet Atkins. He ended up losing that race with 48% of the vote.
Since moving to Vermont John has run for the State Senate twice and served on various committees. As a member of Windsor’s Budget Committee last year they sent the Selectmen a budget that did not require new taxes, which is a rare achievement for Windsor. In short, on account of the committee’s efforts, Windsor, for one year at least, was living within its means.
John grew up in Harvard Mass on a dairy farm and was a graduate of Dartmouth. For more on John MacGovern, please check his campaign website.
It is time to restore balance in Vermont. It is time to bring a bit of common sense to the Senate.
It is time to send Sen. Sanders home and send John MacGovern to Washington.
Aaron B. Gardner
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