WH Answer About Trump Trial Lets Cat Out of the Bag, GOP Calls Out 'Election Interference'

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is not great at her job.

She's had a lot of issues with gaffes and she's constantly failing to answer the questions. 


But when she did answer a question on Tuesday -- sort of -- her response drew a lot of attention because of what she appeared to say. 

A reporter asked Jean-Pierre if it was appropriate for House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) "to show up at the trial of former president [Donald Trump] today?" 

"So look, I can't speak to uh, um -- I don't want to comment as this is related to 2024 elections," KJP responded. "And I can't speak to the Speaker's schedule, that is something for him to decide on." 

Oh, my, does she get what she just inadvertently appeared to admitted? That she can't speak about the lawfare because it has to do with the elections. Did a little truth just slip out? 

Now, this would have been the time to just pull out one of her "no comments" but instead she went flipping through her briefing book and got to the part where she's not supposed to comment on Trump so she doesn't violate the Hatch Act. So just like with Biden reading the directions off the teleprompter and doing his Ron Burgundy thing, she's saying she can't comment because of the elections. She doesn't appear to understand she shouldn't be saying the lawfare is related to the elections. 

Republicans were quick to point out what she just said. 


When Mike Johnson showed up at Trump's trial, he called it out, saying there was "no crime here." The case is in trouble because the prosecution hasn't proved their case. But it should never have been brought to begin with and Johnson made it clear he thought it was being brought against Trump because of the election. "The American people can see it's politically motivated," he said. 

Now, KJP just added some more fuel to the fire that the lawfare is about election interference.   

The ironic thing is that the lawfare, at least so far, seems to be blowing up and it's also added fuel to Trump's campaign. The American people believe it's political. At the end of last month most said in a poll that the Democrats are trying to take out a political opponent through the legal system. So it's backfiring big time and Trump has just become more popular. 


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