
Donald Trump Was a Pro-Life President - Now, Rolling Stone Says He's Running as a 'Moderate'

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

In the 2016 election, featuring Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump, I decided as a pro-life voter that I could not vote for Donald Trump.  There was never any consideration of voting for Hillary Clinton not only on wanting children to be aborted up until the time of birth but she had a myriad of policies that were just awful.

The reason I could not vote for Donald Trump though was that I've seen New York Republicans do this act before where they waffle on an issue that the base of the Republican Party is strong on and then when they get into office they kind of shrug their shoulders and forget about it. 

Being pro-life is just one of those issues that I won't cross a line on. The horrific implications of ending a life before it has a chance to breathe have done so much damage to this country. How can any nation claim to be for human rights when you encourage ending the life of a human before it is born? I don't think you really can be for human rights in just the stage of life after birth you have to be from the beginning until the end.

I can now say, almost eight years after Donald Trump first won the presidency, that I was wrong about his stance on being pro-life. I was 100 percent in the wrong and I can sit here today and admit it because in my view that is the correct thing to do.

Trump took the gift from Mitch McConnell blocking Merrick Garland from becoming a Supreme Court Justice and turned it into the chance to nominate three Supreme Court Justices during his first term. Those justices actually did something novel and read and understood the Constitution how it was written. There was no mythical right to abortion encoded by the founders and discovered by the former Supreme Court Justices in 1973.

However Trump did not stop there, he went after Planned Parenthood and its Title X funding, which PP eventually abandoned. 

That was a stunning defeat for pro-abortionists and showed people such as myself that Trump was actually the real deal.  In a few short years, he became the most pro-life President this country had ever elected since the disastrous Roe v Wade decision.

This was an incredibly welcome surprise.

Now it seems that the left is trying to cause a bit of a stir and paint Trump as flipping off his pro-life base to create some distance and run as a moderate on the issue, and this story right here from Rolling Stone tries to make the case.

THE MAN WHO essentially ended the federal right to abortion thinks that he can now run for president in 2024 as a “moderate” on the issue. 

In recent weeks, according to two people familiar with the matter, Donald Trump has privately remarked that several anti-abortion leaders — people who spent the past year pushing him to commit to enacting a draconian national ban — now have no “leverage” to force him to do anything.

Despite their very public pressure campaign for that abortion ban, the former president insists that they will all fall in line and back him soon enough — with or without specific policy promises — in large part because they have nowhere else to turn. Trump has also mocked certain “disloyal” and “out of touch” leaders in the movement for tacitly supporting Florida governor and GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, who has failed to loosen Trump’s grip on the party, one of the sources adds.

According to the two sources and other Trump allies and aides familiar with the situation, Trump and his team are looking past the primary towards a general-election fight against President Joe Biden — and they think they can somehow run the former president as a supposed “moderate” (as three sources put it) on abortion, at least compared to the majority of the 2024 Republican field. For months, the sources tell Rolling Stone, Trump and some of his closest aides — such as top campaign adviser Susie Wiles — have planned for the ex-president to position himself in a way that “makes both Republicans and Democrats very happy,” as Trump is fond of saying.

Now, I know that after the Republicans did not get the red wave they were hoping for in 2022, there was much talk about that being the after-effect of Roe v. Wade being overturned that previous summer.

The Democrats were able to run subpar candidates against subpar Republican candidates and got the upper hand. Yet the House of Representatives did still turn hands and is now controlled by the GOP, which is investigating the Biden Administration and, in particular, his son Hunter.

With the economy though sluggish and the public perception of it dismal this does play into the hand of the Republicans not being defeated just on this issue going into 2024. A large problem that the Republicans always have is messaging whether or not the candidate themselves is accomplished and or qualified the messaging is usually subpar.  In my opinion, this is one of the things that can be corrected quite easily.

Pro-life Republicans aren't the problem in the country pro-abortion Democrats up until the time of birth are. You can very easily get Democrats on the record hemming and hawing about whether or not they believe that a child should be aborted right up until the time of birth.  The arguments about whether or not a child can live at 6 months 7 months 8 months in premature births have long been settled and the abortion lobby has had to expand and offer its “services” right up until the time of birth.

Quite frankly, it's inhuman.

As for Donald Trump's view in this report of his change, I'm going to reverse my original view from 2016 and simply say that he's already proven that he is pro-life. 

He was untested walking into the White House in 2017 on this issue and in his four years there he did more than any other Republican elected since Roe v. Wade was passed. If some leftist rag is trying to cause a divide in the base right now they evidently haven't looked at the polling. Trump is running away with the GOP nomination currently.

If they are trying to sew some doubt with those who are disgusted with Biden's policies but this might be the one issue they agree with him on that could be successful. Yet if James Carville and his it's the economy stupid slogan still has any effectiveness, the GOP should be able to message that and beat it into the ground. Hopefully.

Either way, I'm not buying that Trump all of a sudden is not pro-life.  When it mattered when he was President he met the challenges with flying colors.

For now, that's all I really need on this issue.


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