Donald Trump Offers Solution to California's Drought Problem

He’s so smart, and he uses the best words. Keep telling yourself that. Soothe yourself with it, so you can sleep at night.

Or face reality that this is the single most, biggest disaster we’ve ever had to grapple with, as nominee for the GOP.


Speaking in Fresno, California on Friday, Donald Trump gave his plans for meeting the needs of farmers in the area.

“’If I win, we’re going to start opening up the water so you can have your farmers survive, so that your job market will get better,’ the presumptive Republican nominee said. ‘We’re going to get it done and we’re going to get it done quick, don’t even think about it, that’s an easy one.’”

Yes. That’s an easy one. Just open up the water. I’m sure California’s lawmakers are hearing this and feeling pretty ridiculous, about now.

For the past five years, the state of California has been struggling with drought conditions. Lawmakers and environmentalists have struggled with finding solutions to the water shortage issue.

While local officials try to find a way to direct water to the area farmers, environmentalists insist on fighting to preserve an endangered species of fish.

Personally, that would be one gone fish, but… California.


While House Republicans have fought to have water from the San Joaquin River Delta redirected to the farming areas of the Central Valley, Democrats have cited endangered species protections as their reasoning for blocking the measure.

It’s a complicated political mess, with neither side willing to compromise.

“State officials have attempted to weather the drought by pushing water conservation efforts.

Democrats and environmentalists contend California’s drought has been exacerbated by climate change. Trump has questioned the science behind climate change and called it a conspiracy hatched by China.”

Maybe Trump can make a deal with the weatherman and between the two of them, they can end California’s drought?


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