In a preview of what is to come should Donald Trump win the GOP nomination, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has said she will support Trump if he is the nominee:
Despite backing Marco Rubio for the Republican nomination, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says she would support Donald Trump if he emerges as her party’s nominee.
“We’ve said that we would support the nominee if they get the nomination,” Haley said, according to a report Thursday from the NBC afiliate in Greenville, South Carolina.
Haley has previously voiced opposition to Trump’s candidacy, remarking ahead of her endorsement of Rubio that the Manhattan developer represents “everything a governor doesn’t want in a president.”
There is a lot of talk going around in some circles about how conservatives will not vote for Trump. That, is as we all know, utter horsesh**. If Trump is the nominee after the convention, the overwhelming majority of all GOP voters will vote for Trump (I raise my hand). They will do it not because they like Trump, or trust him, or believe him, or admire him, or because they think he’s not an odious douchebag. They will do it because the alternative is Hillary Clinton and even the most obdurate person has to know that a Hillary Clinton presidency will effectively end any hope for conservatism in America. Unlike Trump, Clinton will serve two terms and very likely oversee the reduction of conservative justices to three: Roberts, Alito, and Thomas. She will also put name younger justices to replace Kennedy, Ginsburg, and Breyer and thereby lock in a liberal supermajority on the court for decades.
We need to do whatever we can to stop Trump but if that isn’t possible, the cost of not electing him is simply too great to be contemplated.
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