Marble Halls & Silver Screens With Sarah Lee Ep. 141: The 'Twitter/FBI Pipeline, Disenchanted, and Toxic Testosterone' Edition

The Twitter files just keep on dropping and one person in particular is looking very, very sketchy as more information is revealed.

Head of safety and trust Yoel Roth apparently had been holding weekly meetings with representatives from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence before the 2020 election to discuss — you guessed it — content moderation of users that Twitter’s senor staff (in their wisdom) felt certain were not fit to be amplified.


Roth — whose own past tweets have been up for grabs since Musk tweeted about a Ph.D. dissertation Roth wrote entitled, “Gay Data” (I’ll let you read about that for yourself here) — seems to have not only been meeting with currently employed intelligence officials, but may have been surrounded by former intelligence officials that had been hired by Twitter. Here’s an almost certainly non-comprehensive thread detailing that fact:

Just what were Roth and his fellow Twitter censors trying to build at the company before Musk took it over? There was at least one tweet from Matt Taibbi that indicated they weren’t only concerned with banning Trump.


For what seems like the 100th time in the past two years, the phenomenal film “The Lives of Others” has been at the forefront of my mind as this scandal continues to break.

I talk about it all on today’s show. There’s also a little about “Disenchanted” (for all you happily-ever-after seekers out there), and James Cameron’s decision to denigrate male virility.

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