Where's the antiwar movement?

Below I’m going to answer some questions asked by the Brittanica Blog (via Instapundit), in the order that they were given at the end of a blog post.  To give the background, the author of said blog post has noticed something that the rest of you knew already: based on recent events, the Democratic party never really gave a tinker’s dam about the Iraq War except insomuch as it allowed them to scream about the Republican party.  And, even though that party’s leadership has by now pretty much contradicted everything that they have ever said on the subject of going to war, there seems to be a certain… passivity… thus far in the progressive antiwar movement’s response to the Libya situation, too.


Fools, dupes, and knaves, in other words.

Anyway, on to the questions!

Nearly two-thirds of Americans now say that the war in Afghanistan hasn’t been worth fighting, a number that has soared since early 2010. Where are their leaders?

On the Democratic side?  Indifferent.  On the Republican? Uninterested in losing a war.

Where are the senators pushing for withdrawal?

On the Democratic side?  Scared about re-election, large numbers of them (and thus uninterested in anything like foreign policy).  On the Republican?  Getting testy about the lack of communication from the White House.

Where are the organizations?

Waiting for their marching orders from the Democratic establishment, most of them.

Could a new, non-Democratic antiwar movement do to Obama what the mid-2000s movement did to Bush?

If such a thing were to exist, and if it were to draw from actual, patriotic Americans (as opposed to the Commies, fascists, homophobes, Stalinists, racists, Maoists, misogynists, anti-Semites, anti-Globos, radical deep ecologists, and blackshirt anarchists that make up the current antiwar movement’s core groups), I would hope that this hypothetical movement would take as its touchstone for success a group that was just a little more effective than the old antiwar crowd.  Like, say, the Flat Earth Society.

And the $64,000 question — though these days it would have to be at least a $64 billion question — could a new antiwar movement hook up with the Tea Party movement in a Stop the War, Stop the Spending revolt?


Only if it was completely derived from the Right and Center.  Considering that the antiwar Left has spent the last two years enthusiastically using crude sexual slurs against the Tea Party and the Right in general, I would pay good money to see them try to make common cause now.  And they probably will, too: one of the most exasperating things about the Left’s pet fantasy ideologists is their utter inability to understand that their targets have memories

Moe Lane (crosspost)


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