Guccifer 2.0 Hacks Clinton Foundation

photo credit Screenshot Guccifer 2.0

Notorious hacker Guccifer 2.0 has made good on a promise to hack the Clinton Foundation’s servers…and apparently it wasn’t that difficult – probably not surprising considering the Foundation is founded by a woman who kept her private server in a bathroom.


So, this is the moment. I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and donors’ databases.

Hillary Clinton and her staff don’t even bother about the information security. It was just a matter of time to gain access to the Clinton Foundation server.

If the hack is legitimate, the server files contain some interesting information.

The donor lists include the private accounts of Democrat Party and Democrat PAC donors, which might be why there is a “Pay to Play” folder in the contents. Also disturbing is the revelation that some of the big corporations who received government TARP money may have used a percentage of those funds to “donate” to the Clinton Foundation.

folder hfscmemberdonationsbyparty6101 master-spreadsheet-pac-contributions master-west-tracker-2-5k-1-1-2010-7-10-2015

Guccifer 2.o says they are unable to post the entire database but looking for a way to make that available to the public. A link to more documents was also included in the post.

At the time of this posting none of the major networks were reporting on the story, but the Clinton Foundation did Tweet about the alleged hack.



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