The mainstream media is eager to cover protesting, but only when it fits their agenda.
The media has no interest in giving proper coverage to large, well-organized, non-violent, multi-state rallies promoting the worth of life and calling out the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood. That is exactly what is scheduled to take place today with #ProtestPP rallies nationwide.
But I’m sure you’ve heard nothing about them.
From the #ProtestPP website:
On February 11, 2017, rallies will be held at Planned Parenthood locations throughout the United States to call on Congress and President Trump to strip Planned Parenthood of all federal funding and reallocate those funds to health centers that help disadvantaged women without destroying human life through abortion.
So far, 225 rallies are scheduled in 45 states.
What is #ProtestPP, exactly?
…a coalition of state and national pro-life groups organized in response to the horrifying revelations in summer 2015 that Planned Parenthood has been involved in the illicit trafficking of aborted babies’ body parts.
On August 22 and October 10, 2015, tens of thousands of Americans answered #ProtestPP’s call for a national days of protest at Planned Parenthood centers. In all, 654 individual protests were held at 374 Planned Parenthood facilities throughout the United States—including abortion clinics that had not seen pro-life witness in years.
In April 2016 #ProtestPP launched the first-ever annual nationwide Planned Parenthood protest, with plans to hold such a nationally coordinated event every April.
In 2017, #ProtestPP is focusing on the fight to strip Planned Parenthood of their federal funding and shift those taxpayer dollars to federally qualified health centers that offer a far wider range of services and do not perform abortions.
The movement is neither new nor is it miniscule, but it’s not something that will receive wide media coverage.
With a Republican majority in D.C, the grassroots effort to defund Planned Parenthood is stronger than ever. The #ProtestPP movement isn’t just about defunding the abortion provider, as LifeNews reports:
The message of the February 11 national rally isn’t just to demand an end to all federal defunding of Planned Parenthood, which comprises roughly 40% of their annual $1 billion budget. We’re also calling for those funds to be redirected to Federal Qualified Health Centers that provide a far wide spectrum of services to women without killing children through abortion.
In reality, the Charlotte Lozier Institute has found that there are 13 times more FQHCs than Planned Parenthood centers, serving about 8 times more women, despite all Planned Parenthood’s claims that poor women relying on them. Funds could easily be diverted to FQHCs to avoid any disruption of services to current Planned Parenthood clients.
Though Cecile Richards would have you believe otherwise, defunding her organization won’t bring about the suffering of millions of women looking for healthcare. PP is the exception when it comes to providing actual care for women in America, not the rule. The majority of American women, of all economic backgrounds, go elsewhere besides PP. Diverting existing funds to clinics which vastly outnumber Planned Parenthood would promote the wholeness of all.
The media won’t do much in the way of mentioning today’s protests, but many are taking part. Check out rally happenings at Twitter on #ProtestPP, and find one of the many locations here.
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