Desperate Reporters Question Credibility of White House Physician After He Delivers Clean Bill of Health for Trump

It was bound to happen.

After White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson, who has cared for presidents of both political parties, including Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump, delivered a clean bill of health for the current commander-in-chief on Tuesday, the White House press corps began working overtime to find something — anything— that could lend support to the mainstream media’s narrative that Trump suffers from some kind of mental or physical ailment.


But when Jackson described the president’s health as “excellent” on numerous occasions and noted that many of the results of Trump’s physical exam came back as normal for someone his age, some in the media resorted to criticizing the source of the information —- Dr. Jackson himself. This, despite the fact that Jackson’s credibility was never questioned whenever he delivered a clean bill of health for Barack Obama for the past eight years.

NBC News Investigative Correspondent tweeted Tuesday following Jackson’s nearly hour-long briefing on the president’s health, “seeing a lot of skepticism over the idea that @realDonaldTrump weighs only 239 pounds. Would he step on a scale in public to prove it?”

Then, on Wednesday at the White House press briefing, the very first question came from a report who asked Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders if the White House “stands by” the report.

Sanders responded by seemingly taking a shot at those criticizing Jackson’s assessment.

“[T]he only doctor on this matter who has actually examined the president,” Sanders noted, is Dr. Jackson. He is “the only credible source when it comes to diagnosing any health concerns,” she added.


Meanwhile, CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta, to name just one reporter, took every chance he could get to point out that the president has “heart disease,” even though Gupta also acknowledged that virtually every American male of the president’s age has some sort of “heart disease.”

In other words, the president’s health is “normal,” unlike virtually everything else nowadays.


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