As the drama continues to unfold in the story of Corey Lewandowski and Michelle Fields, where Fields alleges she was grabbed so hard she bruised, we now have video courtesy C-SPAN of the incident.
Different angle of Michelle Fields, Ben Terris and Corey Lewandowski.
— Jeremy Art (@cspanJeremy) March 11, 2016
Around the :08-:10 second mark, you can clearly see Lewandowski reach out to grab Fields. The incident has gotten about three different stories from the Trump campaign, each one a revision of the last. Fields has since filed a police report on the incident, while the Trump camp has continuously called her a liar. Breitbart (the outlet Fields works for) has since begun running stories and making statements suggesting Fields is wrong.
The video shows Lewandowski reaching out to grab Fields. But how will the Trump campaign respond next?
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